Chapter 11

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(Just saying, Anakin is 17 in this and Y/N is 16. I thought that needed to be cleared up.)

I woke up, messy hair and everything. After that long  talk about Anakin's backstory and mine, I was really tired.

I told him about how Dooku would call me his daughter and he would tell me he loved me very much, but he would always switch up on me. He always made sure I ate and slept before I had to work as his servant, which for some reason he acted different around other people and just called me a 'random' girl that applied to work for him.

I stood up from my bed, I had to get ready for my self defense lessons with Anakin. I don't really know a whole lot about self defense because I never had to use it.

I put on normal black leggings and a black sports bra, with my special black combat boots. I was ready to finally walk out the door.

"Oh, I don't know how to get there." I pitched my nose, why did Anakin talk about this so much but not tell me where it was?

Ughhhh. I rubbed my eyes when I turned the corner, and I accidentally bumped into a certain someone.

"Princess Y/N, where are you on your way too?" Obi-wan asked, backing up to make sure I was okay.

"I'm so sorry Obi, I was on my way to the private training room so Anakin can teach me some self defense." I explained to him, apologizing for bumping into him.

"Oh don't worry about it Y/N, do you need help finding your way there?" Obi-wan asked, like he had just read my mind a few minutes ago.

"Yes, actually. Anakin never told me the directions to get there." I laughed.

"Follow me princess, I know exactly where he is." He said, gesturing me to follow him.

We had made it there and walked through the doors, it was a huge empty room, it kind of looked like one of the empty rooms on Naboo but low lighting.

We had made it there and walked through the doors, it was a huge empty room, it kind of looked like one of the empty rooms on Naboo but low lighting

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"Anakin, next time tell the princess the directions to get somewhere." Obi-wan stated.

"Yes master, I apologize." Anakin said.

Obi-wan walked out, shutting the door behind himself while I admired the room, the windows showed the beautiful scenery of the city with speeders and lights everywhere.

"Y/N?" Anakin asked, waving a hand infront of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it, we should be getting started." He said. "Show me any move you know."

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