Chapter 20

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When I arrived on Naboo, I was instantly greeted with a whole parade for me, with a group of people holding up a banner saying. 'Welcome home Queen Y/N!'. People were waving and dancing to the cultural music of Naboo. I smiled at everyone, waving and greeting them all.

Suddenly a little girl ran up to me, I assumed she was about 7 years old.

"Hi my queen, I am Annabelle. We are so excited for you to be our queen!!" She hugged my leg, making me smile even more.

I crouched down, grabbing both of her hands and smiling. "Hi Annabelle, I am so grateful you all think that way. I am so glad to be your queen as well." I hugged her, and stood back up pushing her a little bit to go back to her mother who was a few feet away admiring the sight. I waved to her.

I continued with my walk until I met the palace guards, Noil and Tre. I remembered them from whenever I first got rescued and brought back to Naboo.

"Welcome back, your majesty." Tre says, both him and Noil bow.

"Thank you, Noil and Tre. Do you know if Padme is here?" I asked them, while they were opening the palace doors to let me inside, with guards bringing my luggage in as well.

"Yes, she is waiting for you inside." Noil smiles and bows.

"Thank you." I nodded and smiled at him, continuing my walk to find Padme.

"Y/N!" Padme shouts, making me move my head in her direction.

"Padme, I am so glad you are here." I said, walking over and hugging her.

"Guards, bring her luggage to her room while I talk to her please." Padme says, making the guards nod and begin walking up the beautiful grand stairs.

"So, how was the landing?" She asks.

"It was great, I never expected the people of Naboo to accept me and be so excited to greet me." I said, smiling.

"They are very kind, and grateful to know that they are in good hands." She smiled, but then looked down and frowned.

"I'm really sorry about what happened Y/N, you really are too young to be queen." She says.

"It isn't your fault Padme, and I know I'm too young, but I would've been a queen soon anyways." I said, grabbing her hand.

"Well, as your first job as queen and me as your assistant, we should plan a celebration for the new queen!" She says excitedly.

"Oh my, already? I just got here." I put my hand on my head and pretended to faint. Padme laughs at joke.

"Well, the people of Naboo really want to meet you. They have heard great things since you've got back." She says.

"I hope so." I laughed.


Me and Padme were already planning the celebration party, which would be held in the ballroom, we would be inviting everyone in the galaxy who is wanting to come.

"Theme, ugh I can't think of a good theme Padme." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Masquerade!" Padme shouts.

"Isn't that? For a ball?" I ask.

"No, it could be for a celebration too!" She says.

"Alright Padme, I'll trust you on that." I said, smiling at her.

"Okay! I'll plan everything about the theme, you just worry about your outfit." Padme explains that she will do all of the foods, pastries, decorations, even the music.

I get up from my seat, and walk over to the large window in my office. I was looking outside.

"I miss Ani." I said, turning to Padme who was sitting on the couch in my office.

"I know Y/N, but surely you guys will see eachother soon. Maybe he will even come to the ball." Padme says, getting up to walk over next to me.

I can't stop thinking about that kiss, I never thought he would ever do that, or we would do that. In the little time we knew eachother, we bonded so much.

"Padme, I'm worried I won't ever see him again." I said, turning my head to look at Padme.

"Anakin is a smart boy, he will figure it out soon enough. But he still has a life of his own, to become a Jedi." She says.

"You're right." I smiled at her and turned away to look out the window.

Time skip: 2 weeks later

"I don't know which color dress I want to wear." I said, looking through the sample fabric colors my dress maker gave me.

"Your majesty, any color works well." She smiled at me.

"Yeah Y/N, it is your day. You can be as elegant and colorful as you want." Padme says, grabbing my hand and smiling.

"I think I like this pink." I said, feeling the fabric of a beautiful shiny pastel pink.

"It's gorgeous, and pink looks perfect on you. I say do it!" Padme says.

"Alright, but I want it floral to match the planet." I said to the dress maker, she smiled and nodded.

Sorry this chapter is so short, I want to try and get through this part as much as I can 😭

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