Chapter 7

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It was early in the morning and time for me to wake up, we were going to Coruscant to be looked over by the Jedi, but since they came so late we had to spend a night here. I've been slowly starting to think about my feelings towards Anakin. And I mean, he's a Jedi and I'm a princess. This whole new life thing as been stressful and slowly starting to find out I have feelings for Anakin is making it worse. Is this too early? Is it even allowed in the rules? I have no idea.

I looked in my mirror, but I don't know if I am looking at me, the princess or Dooku's apprentice. I pinched the bridge of my nose. This all was too much to handle. I cannot fall in love with Anakin, I don't even know him.

I heard knocking "Your Majesty?" One of my guards yelled.

"Yes, I am awake." I opened the door.

"It seems everyone is waiting on you, your highness. It is 8 in the morning." He said. Oh my gosh, I'm late! "Yes I'll be there in 5 minutes!" I slammed my door, I didn't mean it in a rude way, I was just stressed.

I quickly got dressed into a flown brown dress with floral patterns, with my matching flats. I wasn't going to wear heels all the way back to Coruscant. I also grabbed a few bags of my dresses that I forgot to put in the lobby, I actually had fallen asleep while packing and that's why I woke up on the floor.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice says. I opened the door and of course, it's Anakin.

"Yes, Anakin? I'm kind of in a hurry here." I explained to him as I was dragging all of my bags from the corner of my room and out the door.

"Let me help." He picked up one of the bags with no struggle. Okay, now when I say this kind of turned me on, I don't mean I want to do anything! I am a woman after all.

"Princess, come on?" He moved his head gesturing me to follow, and I think he caught me coming out thinking about him. "Oh, sorry." I picked up my makeup bag and we started heading to the lobby to put the bags into the ship.

"Once we get back to Coruscant, I'll be teaching you some easy self-defense moves." Anakin stated.

"Yeahhh, sure. Have fun with that one Ani." I cant fight for anything. I was never taught and I was never able to since I was always scared to fight back with Dooku or his... "friends"

Flashback: Five years ago

"Please stop!" I screamed, they all were grabbing me and fighting for me. Master wasn't there to save me.

"Master, please help!" I screamed again when I got punched right in my left cheek, my mouth started to bleed.

"Shut up won't you?" A tall older man said to me. He looked a little overweight, and looked only to be about 5'9.

"Hey man, Dooku said it's my turn!" A blue man who was a little shorter grabbed me and threw me on the floor.

"You're just so innocent aren't you?" He looked at me and licked his lips, I screamed and cried hoping master would come to save me.

Then he started going lower and lower down my body...


"Ahhhh!" I screamed and covered my ears, I fell onto the floor dropping everything I had in my hands.

"Y/N?!" Anakin dropped everything he had in his hands and ran over to me. "Y/N what happened?!" He asked.

I couldn't speak, or even see anything. I just cried.

"Y/N, it's okay." Anakin said lightly, while slowly sitting next to me and pulling me towards him into his lap. He was so gentle.

"Ani, they are going to find me." I whisper-yelled. What if the blue man finds me, or the tall man. They knew Dooku and had to be his friends. They would avenge him right?

"Shhh, Y/N it's okay. They won't find you as-long as you are safe in my view. I won't let anything happen to you or your family." He lifted my chin up and smiled down at me. Reassuring me that everything was okay. "Just tell me. What happend?" He asked.

"Nothing, just let's go." I wiped my tears and sniffled, I didn't want to tell him right now.

I grabbed the bags I dropped while Anakin grabbed his, I wiped my tears and faked a smile as we walked out to the ship General Kenobi and my parents stood.

"Daughter, we have news. We have decided it's best just you to go while we stay here and watch over the people and the palace." My father explained. So, I am just going alone?

"There's no need to worry honey, we will come see you every week and we won't be split apart for years again. I promise we will call you on the commlink every night." My mother grabbed me into a hug, with my father following behind.

I turned around and saw Anakin putting my bags in the ship with General Kenobi following behind him.

Anakin POV:

I went to put Y/N bags into the ship when I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and saw my master.

"Obi-wan, you alright?" I asked him, he had a confused look on his face as he walked up closer to me.

"Is the princess alright? I felt a move in the force when she came out of the palace doors with you." He asked me.

"Yes master, I actually don't know what frightened her but she stopped in the middle of walking and stood zoning out, then about a minute later she dropped to the floor crying." I explained to Obi-wan.

"Do you have any idea why this may have happened Padawan?" He asked me. I really don't know what it's about, but I have a feeling it's from her past with Dooku.

"No, master. But I think she had a flashback about back with her time with Dooku. I tried to reassure her but she would not tell me what happend." I explained to him further.

"Alright, well you heard the change of plans and I need you to tell the council about this when we get back to Coruscant." Obi-wan ordered me to do.

"Yes master. I will inform them once I get the princess situated in her room." I smiled at him and walked passed him ready to help her get on board.

I walked down the ramp of the ship.

My parents hugged me, they cried in my arms and begged General Kenobi and Anakin to keep me safe while I'm gone.

"I love you guys very much, but I have to leave." I said pushing them off me. I have to admit, I am scared to leave the planet again, but I feel like I'm
I'm good hands with General Kenobi and Anakin.

"On you go my daughter, we love you so very much!" My father said while gesturing me to walk toward the ship.

I waved them goodbye, teared up a little from the fear that I would be leaving again.

"Y/N, let's get you somewhere comfortable." General Kenobi says.

"General Kenobi? How long will it take to get to Coruscant?" I asked him.

"About 3 hours, and please call me Obi-wan." He smiled at me.

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