Chaper 4

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"What's interesting?" I asked him.

"Nothing, don't worry about it right now. But tell me, what is your name?" Anakin asks

"My name? I thought I would've told you already." I laughed, I could get used to the guy.

"What is it then?" He laughed with me.

"Y/N" I said.

His face went to a full-on serious face, eyes wide, mouth parted open, and his body was stuck in place, with his head looking down on me.

"What?" I asked.

"I- I'll be right back!" He explained and started bolting down the hallway. Leaving me alone.

What is his problem...?


Anakin POV:

I bolted down the hallways of the Jedi Temple looking for Obi-wan. If she is the lost princess, then we have to tell the council right away.

I slip and slide across the smooth tiles of the hallways, accidentally bumping into a few people, before making it to Obi-wan's dorm.

"Master!" I flung the doors open with the force.

"Anakin?! What in force is wrong?!" He shouted, startled by the sudden doors flying.

"That girl- that girl is the lost princess, Obi-wan you have to trust me!" I pleaded.

"Anakin, the princess has been gone for almost 10 years." Obi-wan explained.

"Master, the random planet getting hit with asteroid? Count Dooku's affair with the King and Queen of Naboo? Her name Y/N! It only makes sense Master!" I explained to him, his eyes slightly became wide.

"Find her, and keep her in here until we contact King Frimel." He ordered.

"Yes Master." I bolted out the door.



I walk around the hallways, still in my old ripped uniform from Dooku's ship. I was admiring the beauty of the tall buildings of Coruscant outside a huge window.

My [H/L] (Hair Length) tangled, dirty, and dusty from being under that rubble. I didn't care right now, because the beauty of this planet distracted me.

Suddenly I head footsteps behind me, revealing that tall handsome guy again.

"Y/N, you need to come with me, quickly." He said.

"What? Where?" I asked, but he just grabbed my wrist.

"Sorry about earlier, but my name is Ana-" He stopped as I pulled my wrist away.

"Where are you taking me?" I stood my ground.

"Y/N just come on!" He said.

I ignored my fear and took his hand.


Obi-wan's POV:

"My Majesty. I need to speak to you." I said.

"What is it about, General Kenobi?" He said.

"I believe me and my padawan, have found your missing daughter." I explained.

"Obi-wan, are you messing with us?" The King asks, while the Queen starts to cover her mouth and cry.

"No, my Majesty. We do believe this is Y/N. We need you at the Jedi Temple by tonight." I explained

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