Chapter 2

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y/n POV:

I walked the halls of the dark ship i was on, carrying a tray full of cocktails and other alcohols. I was wearing my servant uniform, and my black flats.

I was now 16, and I'm so grateful to be on this ship, without Master Dooku, I wouldn't be alive. He saved me years ago when my planet got destroyed by a asteroid. He is basically my father!

I knocked on the door, "Master, its Y/N." I said through a crack in the door. The door slightly moved open with the force, i walked in and saw another tall droid looking creature..?

"Y/N, thank you again for serving us. This is General Griveous." Master said.

I bow, giving him my respects. "Hello, Master Griveous, I will be here to assist you with anything." I said with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, yeah, back to before. Oh yes, I have captured and brought Chancellor here to this ship." He laughed, while master Dooku laughed with him.

"Oh really-"

A rumbling could be heard, while the alarms started to alert and turn everything red.

"God damnit, those Jedi's don't leave shit alone!" Master yelled, running towards the holding chamber where Chancellor was held.

"Master wait!" Bolting after him, I can't let him get hurt, he saved me and so I will save him.

In the holding chamber, we guarded the chancellor, Master and him kept bickering, but I ignored it.

Anakin POV:

"R2, have you found the holding chambers yet?"

The next right and then left sir.

"Alright, we should-"

There was a loud rumbling, and a woman screaming coming from the direction I was going, I picked up my speed and ran faster.

"Won't you shut up?! I've had you here for years and all you do is be scared of everything!" Dooku was strangling, it looks like, a young girl?

He drops her, but before she says anything, he kicks her.

"I shouldn't have took you from that planet!" He shouts at her.


He kicked me...

"I shouldn't have took you from that planet!" He shouted at me.

"You are only good when serving me, but outside that you are nothing!" He screamed again

At this point, I was crying, with bruises and cuts everywhere.


What? Who is that? I don't remember seeing this boy before?

"Ugh, stupid Jedi. Can't you just leave already?!" Master Dooku shouted, making things fly off the walls.

"Real funny, Dooku. But I can't leave you alone when you have the Chancellor." He smiled.

His smile, it was so.. handsome..

Oh my gosh Y/N stop thinking about that! I smacked myself in the head.

"And who is that girl?" The boy asked.

"She is none of your business'!" Master Dooku shouted again, this time taking his lightsaber out.

"Ana- Oh, looks like you've already got this handled." Another tall older man came running out of the hallway, was this the young boys friend?

"Obi-wan, care to join?" Young boy smiled and laughed, while the older man walked next to him.

"Let's go!"  The older one shouted and they both jump towards Master Dooku.


I sat on the floor, watching them all battle. I couldn't get up and move, because both of my ankles got sprained. I watched the young boy, for some reason my eyes couldn't get off him.

Master Dooku threw the older man across the room and on the floor. The young boy was stuck with Dooku, so I went to check on him.

"Hello? are you okay?" I asked, but later realized he was blacked out.

"Y/N you traitor!" I hear Dooku scream

As I'm about to say something, a large piece of the ceiling comes tumbling down onto me.

Anakin POV:

Shit, I thought to myself. Obi-wan was stuck under the debris, with that young girl. My thoughts come to a stop when.

"Please don't kill me!" Dooku said.

"Kill him, Anakin." Chancellor yelled.

"I can't, its not the Jedi way." I told Chancellor.

"Anakin, he took your hand, so therefor you take his head." Chancellor's saying got to me, and before I knew it, I sliced off his head..

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