Chapter 14

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Anakin was currently in the shower, while I was sitting in my room in my nightgown. We finally finished unpacking all of my stuff into my room. Anakin didn't need any help because he only has a few things he wears and keeps, like dissembled droids and tools. I never knew he liked droids, he's told me he's had one before but I never thought he liked it.

"Y/N, we have a meeting in the council room, Obi-wan just called me." Anakin said opening my door.

"At 10pm? Isn't that a bit late?" I asked him.

"No, just take this and let's go." He throws me one of his Jedi robes to wear over my nightgown. "I could've wore one of my cardigans?" I said.

"I gave them to the housekeeper to wash, let's go." He hurriedly went out the door, with wet hair and one of his jedi robes just sitting on top of his shoulders. I rushed out with him not even putting shoes on.

We had made it to the council room, opening the doors to reveal Obi-wan, Yoda and Mace Windu sitting in their seats.

"Greetings Skywalker and Princess, nice to see you it is." Yoda said welcoming us.

"Master Yoda, it's nice to see you too. Why were we called here?" Anakin said.

"Princess, there has been a great threat on your parents, and we believe they have been taken by General Griveous." Mace Windu said, turning his head at me.

"What? They were taken?!" I yelled, anxiety starting to overcome me.

"Princess do not be worried, get them back safe, we will." Yoda replies, trying to calm the princess down.

"I'm sorry but you guys have no idea how powerful he is, who knows if my parents are dead right now!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

"Princess Y/N, we have already sent out ships to find them, and we are sending Obi-wan, and Anakin there too." Mace Windu explains.

Anakins eyes widen a little, turning his head towards me.

"What? Where am I going to go? And who will watch me?" I asked, wiping my tears and sniffling.

"You'll be staying here under the care of Yoda." Obi-wan says, he starts walking down towards me.

He stands infront of Anakin, looking at his Padawan.

"Anakin, let's go." He says and walks out the doors, with Anakin following behind.

"I-I don't know what's happening." I breathed in and out trying to calm myself down.

"Safe you will be, Princess. Follow me you must." Yoda jumps off his chair and we begin walking in the hallway.

"Aware of you and Skywalker friendship, I am." He says, poking me with his cane.

"What? Yes Anakin is a very important friend to me." I said.

"More I see in his future, I do." Yoda says.

"What do you mean Yoda?" I ask, turning towards him.

"Clouded Skywalker's future was, at first. Now with you in it, clearer I see." He said, poking his cane at the back of my legs to make me begin walking.

"Anakin is very dear to me, and I appreciate him for bringing me back even if it wasn't his plan." I said.

"Your friendship against the code, it is. Say something to the rest of the council, I will not." Yoda says.

"You won't tell them about me and Anakin's friendship?" I said.

"Yes." Yoda said.


Obi-wan POV:

"Master, I didn't even get to say goodbye." My Padawan says, looking down at his feet.

"I know you love her Anakin, but this mission is important to save her parents." I said.

I've known awhile about Anakin's feelings towards Y/N, he's starting to grow onto her. But I am not saying anything because I trust him and I believe he can love Y/N and do his job at the same time.

"Love? Obi-wan she is just a friend." Anakin said, looking at me.

"Anakin, I think you are forgetting about what I've done." I said, thinking about Satine.

"You aren't going to tell the council are you?" He asked, fiddling with his fingers.

"No Anakin, I won't be telling them. I am trusting you." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

We arrived at the ship, and we were going to be going to Geonosis where we believe Griveous was hiding out.

"What coordinates Master?" Anakin asked taking the  pilot seat.

"Geonosis." I said.

Me and Anakin sat in silence as we started to enter hyperspace, I wanted to tell him about my friendship with the king, Y/N's father.

"Anakin, have I told you the story of my best friend?"  I asked.

"Qui-gon?" He asked tilting his head at me.

"No, King Frimel." I said.

"No master, you've never told me." He says turning his head back to look at hyperspace.

"Frimel was my good brother when I lived on Stewjon. He was like a father to me." I said.

"Really?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, we grew up together and when I left to go to the Jedi order, he left to Naboo and found Arisme." I said.  "Frimel and Arisme instantly fell in love and later Arisme was crowned queen and married Frimel."

"Wow, was Arisme Royal blood?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, and during the birth of Y/N, I was there comforting Frimel about new newborn daughter." I breathed in more air. "I visited them a bunch of times, but when Y/N turned two years old, is when I had started to train with Qui-gon." I said.

"So, you're Y/N's uncle and she dosent even know it?" Anakin asked, curious.

"Yes. I don't want you telling her though." He said.

After a moment of silence, Anakin spoke up.

"Wait, master. Doesn't that mean Y/N can be force sensitive?" Anakin asked.

I've never thought of that, with my midichlorian count being 15,000 and my brothers being 13,000. Y/N could really be a little force sensitive.

"I never thought of that Padawan, but I'm sure she is a little because of her father. I don't believe Arisme was force sensitive." I explained.

"If she is force sensitive, could I be the one to teach her?" Anakin asked.

"No Anakin, first you are still a padawan and two, Y/N has a job and that is to do her princess duties." I said.

I did not want to tell Anakin this, but if we do not find her parents, Y/N would be crowned queen.

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