Chapter 10

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Anakin POV:

"God damn." I whispered to myself, I just stormed out of the cafeteria after Theo flirted with Y/N.

What is going on? I don't like Y/N, she's only my friend for a little while until she goes back to Naboo. It's against the rules to even have an attachment to anything as a Jedi.

I stormed into the kitchen doors, with all the workers giving me a shocked look.

"Where's Theo?" I asked one of the female chefs.

"Sir Skywalker, he went to the cooler." She told me and pointed towards the cooler door.

"Thanks." I quickly moved passed her and opened the door to the cooler.

"Gah! Oh, Skywalker.." Theo was startled at first, but then calmed down after realizing it was me.

"What was that about?" I slowly walked towards him.

"What, you like her or something-" I cut him off with force choking him.

"If I see you touch her one more time, I don't think it'll end too well for you Theo." I ordered him.

"Yes sir." He clawed at my neck.

I dropped him, "If I hear you tell anyone about this, I swear I won't be so forgiving." I told him.

I walked out of the cooler, not receiving a reply from Theo, I got some weird looks from some people for randomly walking out of the cooler, but I didn't care.

But I do care, about Y/N. When I shouldn't. This isn't right for me to feel, I don't even understand what I'm feeling. It's just a feeling like I have to protect her and cherish her forever.

"Ugh." I pinched the bridge of my nose while I was walking out of the kitchen and into the Jedi temple hallways. I stopped walking for a moment to regain my chill.

"Ani." I heard her.

"Yes, princess?" I turned around faking a smile, but I knew it wasn't believable since I had that asshole smile face.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked me.

"Nothing, just don't worry about it." I turned back around.

"Ani, you-" I cut her off "Just leave me alone!" I stormed off.

Leaving her to stand behind me a few feet away, I quickly start walking faster to my room.

Once I reached my dorm room, I slammed the door instantly and locked it with the force so nobody can come inside.

What the fuck is going on with me? And why am I falling in love with the princess?

I laid back on my bed, just to sleep all of this out.


It hurt, it hurt so bad to see Anakin act like that with me. That's the first time he's been aggressive towards me.

I shrugged it off on the verge of crying, and ran back to my dorm room. Slowly shutting the door and putting my back against it. I started sliding down the door until I fell to my knees to my chest and started crying.

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