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Emilia is late for her date with Subaru so takes a short cut and gets kidnapped by a random guy and is knocked unconscious. When she wakes up she is tried to a roof by her arms behind her back and being kissed by the guy, while she tires to make what is happening 'Where Am I?' 'I ran into a back alley.' 'I promised Subaru that...' she thinks before' she thinks before mutter to herself, 'Did I just... Kiss someone?'

The man then bends her down so her buts win the air while patting her ass, he then goes to her head, while still behind her and pulls it up to give her a kiss but Emilia says 'Wait! Don't k-kiss me, ok? Because I will get pregnant with your child if we do...' But the man gives her a deep kiss while licking at her tongue as he plays with her breasts from behind her.

After he lets her go and stands in front of Emilia she says 'Now I'm going to get pregnant... Because you kissed me earlier...'

The ma nights an idea from this and asks her 'So you just want Subaru's kids, right?' Emilia nods her head so the man pulls out a red pill 'This is a pill that will stop you from having a baby when you eat it... However I suggest that you thank about it, since this pill has side... effects.'

Emilia eats it before he can continue '

It's fine. I have decided form long ago that I was meant for Subaru' She then tries to ask about the side-effects but her body starts to heat up and her heart beats faster.

The man then plays again with Emilia's breasts like before but she moans a-lot from it, he even kisses her which she kisses back too, then the man cuts her down and pushes her onto all fours before fucking her, after that he flips her over and fucks her while her breasts hug his body, while kissing her the whole time.

After fucking she got fucked Emilia sits on the floor thinking about him kissing her again while asking 'H-Hey, what did swelling that pill do to my body?' The man gives a small laugh before telling her 'It's pretty simple... The side effect of the pill will have you completely in heat' Emilia tilts her head not knowing what 'in heat' means, '... Which is why your body felt extremely hot all a sudden just like earlier, and will only start to calm down after reaching a climax with kisses.'

Emilia remembers the sensation from earlier, 'Climax, So that's what that sensation from earlier.'

The man after this tricks her into thinking that she needs to do this again so she can prepare for Subaru. Hearing this Emilia asks the man to help her, which ends with the man teaching her about sex, but everything they do has him kissing her on the mouth so she thinks Climaxing is still something to do with kissing.

Lemon/Hentai IDEAS V4Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora