Island Village Customs

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male is forced to move to an island and become a teacher, and there are many customs in the village and only the missionary position is regarded as sex, and any other position is not regarded as having sexual intercourse. for some reason showing your boobs and back while in the cowgirl position doesn't imply something sexual in this village.

1 the people in this village go around with their bare bottoms in plain view.

2 normally when a woman is grateful towards a male, they use their left hand to squeeze their penis. on the other hand, squeezing it with their right hand is regarded as a sexual act. gratefulness from a man to a woman or another man still follows normal common sense, just thanking with words are enough. (the teacher is thanked by different mothers of students becuase since he become a teacher they have gotten better grades)

3 in this village when women apologize directly to men, they do so by giving them a blowjob, and they need to keep the male's penis inside their mouth until he ejaculates. and when the male ejaculates, it means that he has forgiven her. by the way, if a male is given a blowjob while standing, it's not treated as a sexual act, but if it's performed while lying down then it is. (different ways the woman have said sorry to the man, chef messes up his order, some female students are fighting (maybe about one friend taking the other's boyfriend on a date, might not even be true) they then try to punch each other but the man stops them and calms them down and they say sorry to him by sucking his cock and they they give him handjobs for being grateful)

4 parent and child meeting, the meeting is for stadents that are aiming for

higher education and it is used to make the parents awre of their current progress, the teacher will show his approval by pushing up into their vaginas with his penis. while for students that are unlikely to be able to pursue higher education, the teacher will stick his penis in horizontally to show that she won't rise higher unless something changes, (the man goes to houses and fucks the woman's ass and pusses while standing up to show their kids performance, and if the mother to 'go ahead and see what your teacher has to say about your performance' they would be fucked like their mother) a teacher giving their student a creampie during the meeting means that they were guaranteed to pass.

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