Chapter One

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Heyy! so this is a story i've started. Normally i don't show people my stories so i'm really nervous. Please comment and tell me what you think, constructive criticism will be really appreciated as well.

You should definitely check out the song on the side------------------------------------------>

I'm obsessed with it!

Hope you enjoy this chapter :)


I woke up with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My eyes scanned the room around me. The door was left ajar and my lampshade was shattered in little pieces on the floor as memories of yesterday flooded back. I willed myself to get up, but it was as if my body wasn't responding. I closed my eyes, breathing heavily. 5...4....3...2...1....

Ahhhh!' I cried as pain shot threw my body, I held onto the bedside table for support as I practically pulled myself up, It was pretty hard considering my arms were feeling numb and my knees were shaking beneath me.

I breathed in a deep breath and slowly breathed out, but I couldn't overcome the horrible churning feeling in my stomach as a familiar sensation rose up my throat. I quickly raced to my en suite bathroom, limping slightly.

I sighed with relief as i made It on time, but soon groaned as i spilled my guts out. I wiped my mouth with shaky hands, rinsing my mouth to get the horrible taste away.

I looked up, my breath got stuck in my throat as i stared at myself in the mirror. I gasped at the face that was staring at me in the mirror. I looked barely recognisable.

In front of me was a horrified expression of a teenage girl with a grazed cheek, black eye and a sore nose. Well what did I expect after being smashed into the wall and kneed in the face.

I scoffed to myself as how ridiculous i was being, here I was agonizing over my battered face when I was lucky enough to have made it through yesterday without any severe damage. I mean at least it wasn't as bad as other times. My stomach squirmed and my hands became clammy as I thought of those horrible traumatizing days. Being a werewolf had its perks. I would always heal soon after my injuries without any scars left behind; I guess it was useful so people wouldn't find out.

I sighed as i looked at my face, how would I hide this from everyone at school? looking as if I had just come out of a crime scene isn't a look that i was going for on my first day in this new school. 'Danger' isn't exactly a signal i wanted to give out to my class mates either although it might get people to give me less attention than usual if they're scared of me.

My mouth twitched into a smile at this thought. Hmm I could ponder over this and get worked up and worried or I could think later after I've had a nice relaxing shower even though I was running out of time.

The second option seemed more tempting and I quickly turned the shower on and changed out of my clothes, standing under the hot water that relaxed my tense muscles. After standing under the shower for a few minutes, feeling much fresher and cleaner than before, I climbed out of the shower and gasped at the sudden change of temperature as a frenzy of goose bumps rose up my arms and legs. I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body, shivering as I hurriedly dried myself.

I blow-dried my hair, flicking the ends out jut how i liked it while planning out an outfit in my head. I chose a nice blue ruffled top that clung to my slim body nicely and ripped faded light blue jeans and cute brown ankle boots with a matching bag. I admired my outfit in the mirror before quickly snapping out of it as i noticed the time.

School starts in 30 minutes. Okay time for my make up. I grimaced as i looked at my face. Without being vain i knew i was pretty, it wasn't something I boasted about, but it did give me a little boost in confidence, not that I only cared about appearance of course.

I had chestnut brown hair that had natural locks that was halfway down my back and almond shaped emerald eyes. My skin is tanned so i guess overall I guess you could say I had a good complexion. I used foundation to cover up my wounds; you could still fadly see some of the bruises emerging but all in all the worst had been covered up. I added my usual tiny bit of mascara and eyeliner with clear lip gloss. I don't really like to go overboard.

After one final look in the mirror, I gave an approving nod and tiptoed downstairs making sure I didn't step on the last step that was creaky. My eyes skimmed over the living room and the kitchen, my heart was hammering against my chest. I cautiously crept over to the front door and hastily got out, making sure that i didn't slam the door behind me. I let out a deep breath after I got out. Had I been holding my breath? I walked speedily to the main road, unfortunately I couldn't uses my inhumanely fast speed to get to school, as I couldn't risk getting caught and found out as who I really am. People could be really judgemental and weren't very considerate of what I am. I'd probably be classified as a 'freak'.

There are others like me of course, they are usually in packs and live together. Not me though, I'm a lone she wolf and I'm proud. I live better on my own anyway, without all the rules that I would have to follow.

I got to school in a mere 10 minutes. I looked up at the school and gulped. Damn this school was massive! It was made of sandy white bricks and had looked four stories high! There were tall trees circling the school with their beautiful blossoms. Across the green lawn students were messing around and screaming at the top of their lungs. I gulped. With all of my worries at home, I hadn't given the prospect of going to a new school a second though, but now I was literally shaking in my boots or maybe that was because my leg was healing due to my supernatural werewolf powers.

Well no time to think about that. 'Welcome to hell' I told myself as i raised my chin up and cast my fears aside as I made my way up the small steps leading to the large oak doors.

Screwed Up Love Ties (on hold until exam season is over! until further notice..)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant