Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to My beautiful, amazing friend, who helped with the chat up lines :)

Hellloooo everyone :)

Thank you all sooo much for the comments on the previous chapter. It really put a smile on my face :)

So i hope you enjoy this chapter and remember to

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Anyway enjoy...


I stared at him in disgust. I mean some girls might find that attractive, but I was definitely not one of those girls. Wow the girls here must be easy. How else could this guy be so overconfident and bigheaded? He wasn't actually bad looking, but his ego was way too big, probably never gets turned down by girls that's why.

'So I'll pick you up at eight than? He asked. No correction-he STATED.

'No, what makes you think I'd be interested in a walking STD such as yourself?' I said smirking at him.

He leaned in, his minty breath caressing my neck. "Whatever you say, but whenever you need big Johnny to help Cindy, you know where I am' he said with a mischievous grin winking at me.

I gasped and turned around on the spot, clutching my schedule and locker number code that I had gotten before Mr Arrogant had approached me with his friends snickering behind him.

As I walked down the hallway a number of chat up lines were thrown my way. They were creative I'll give them that.

'Are you a parking ticket, because girl you have got fine written all over you!'

Wish if could say the same about you.

'Did it hurt when you fell down from heaven?'

Err could you say cheesy much??

'If being sexy was a crime then you'd be guilty as charged'

'Do you know CPR, cause baby you just took my breath away!'

Oh God, walk on, walk on I chanted to myself, trying to block the chat up lines being shouted across the hallway out. I hid my face behind my curtain of hair, but I could still detect the jealous glares I was getting from the girls and lustful looks from the male population. I quickly turned around the corner.

My eyes darted at the numbers on the lockers; before I spotted number seventy-nine, but the sight next to it practically made me drool. Leaning against the locker beside mine was a extremely hot guy, even in his casual low slung jeans and plain white shirt the clung to his well built but not too muscular body he stood out. He had hazel brown eyes-the type that makes girls weaken to their knees-and spiky brown hair. He seemed to have an aura around him. He practically screamed the word Player. As if he knew what i was thinking, he looked up from his phone.

Crap! He must've noticed me checking him out. He stared at me for a second, his eyes raking my body slowly before a playful smile tugged at his mouth.

I bent my head down, my cheeks blushing furiously as i fumbled with my lock, trying to get the combination right. I could still feel his gaze on me and for some reason that made me nervous. I tried opening my locker, but it wouldn't budge. I tried again, but there was no use. I banged on it, feeling frustrated, but the only result of that was that my hand hurt. I heard a husky laugh beside me.

'Here let me do it for you' He leaned over and pulled the locker open with what seemed little force. Ugh, i must look like a right idiot.

'Thank yo-' I was cut off by a shrill squeal.


I turned around to see a slim girl in a way too tight sparkly top, a skirt or should i say a wide belt and five inch high heels. All designer by the looks of it. She looked fake with her layers of make up and fake spray tan, but could've looked pretty if she didn't have a scowl on her face. I realised that her scowl was aimed towards me and I suddenly grew conscious of the fact that me and 'Will' were only an inch apart. Her eyes were narrowed and if looks could kill, i would be dead by the way her eyes were shooting daggers at me.

I back treated immediately. She lunged herself at him, I stood there awkwardly watching them make out before averting my eyes away. 'Thanks for the locker' I mumbled, but he probably didn't notice since he was too busy swapping spit with Barbie over here.

I shut my locker and began to walk away when I saw him give me a wink; I blushed again, turning my head the other way. Good thing, the girl didn't notice otherwise she might have just about killed me on the spot.

The bell rang, and I hastily made my way to my first lesson, please God let this be okay. I had just arrived, but it already felt like far too long.

Oh well, things should be interesting.

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