Chapter Eight Part 1

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Hellooo, so chapter eight is finally up :D

I've divided the chapter into two parts so this is part one!

So the previous chapter I introduced Trey and done it in his Pov, can you guys plz tell me if you like it in his Pov so i know whether or not to do more of them in future.

I hope you like this chapter, please remember to





Faiths POV

I caught my breath as I was pinned onto the forest floor by my predator. My breathing came out ragged as my heart hammered in my chest and panic hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked up and my breath hitched in my throat as I stared mesmerized into the most beautiful piercing blue eyes I had ever seen in my life. As our eyes connected it was as if fireworks were exploding inside of me, bursting with anticipation and excitement, tingles spreading through my body.

I couldn't get myself to look the way and the wolf stared me down making no move to harm me, now that I think about it...he wasn't putting much weight on me either, It was almost as If he was trying not to hurt me. Weird for someone who just attacked me.

I didn't have time to wonder as the most intoxicating smell clogged my nostrils, making my senses go wild. I resisted the urge to get my head closer and get a better sniff of him, to breath in his divine scent. Throughout the whole time he stared at me, his eyes never leaving mine, but now he itched his head closer to mine. My heart hammered in my chest so hard I was surprised he couldn't hear it. Oh god, he's going to hurt me now. I scrunched my face, ready for the pain to hit me like a tidal wave, but It never came. I nearly jumped in my place when I felt his nose nuzzling into my neck.


My shock soon turned into confusion as I felt a large magnetic pull towards him; It was so intense in the eerie night. I could feel my pulse vibrating in my ear. What's happening to me? I've never heard of wolves having such a strong pull to another whe--



Please no

I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I found my mate. I FOUND MY MATE???

My wolf was overjoyed and practically wanted to jump up and down in celebration while my human self wanted to cower her head and run away from this large male wolf that was still staring at me in awe and was I'm not going to say It, but that flicker of emotion in his eyes told me that I wasn't the only one that had felt the pull.

Oh god, I had to get away; get my head around this. As If my life Isn't screwed up enough as It Is. Throw a mate In, yeah well I'd like to see how that would turn out.

I was about to try and shove him off with my paws and get the hell out of here-not that there was much of a chance of that, DAMN he's like twice my size, but a ear piercing howl from a short distance away made my head shoot upwards towards where the sound was from. The male wolf jumped off of me in an Instant and crouched protectively In front of me; his head hunched and his canines bared.

I Internally groaned. This so proves it. Why else would he do that? He let out a low growl as several werewolves came into view; none of them as large as my-I mean the wolf that had attacked me nor where they as beautiful as this one. Wait beautiful? Ugh, I nearly rolled my eyes at how stupid I sound.

The wolf In front of me seemed to relax as he recognised them and If I'm not mistaken they were probably having a conversation through their minds so they were probably in the same pack then. They shot the wolf In front of me bewildered glances, but made no move to harm me.

I stood there looking at the wolves; waiting for something, anything at all. I was so tempted to make a dash for it and get back home even If It means seeing my step dad and-Oh God! My stepdad! My stomach clenched at the thought of what would happen If he realised I wasn't in my bedroom. It must have been an hour? Two perhaps, since I left. I just hope he'll be out again or he's going to be very pissed when he sees me, If I get home that Is.

The wolf that attacked me prodded me gently; breaking me out of my thoughts on my dilemma. He shook his head to the side; Indicating that I was supposed to follow them as they began to walk gradually out of the heart of the forest.

I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable as two wolves paced on either side of me while the wolf In front of me lead the way and my maybe, just maybe mate walked behind me. I felt surrounded; It was almost as If they were expecting me to escape. I couldn't blame them; I would have probably ran like a gunshot as soon as I had a chance. Well, at least I know they're not stupid.

After a few minutes we seemed to have reached the destination, because the wolf In front of me slowed down his pace. I looked up and stopped dead in my tracks. Oh hell no!

We had stopped a few yards In front of a large sandy white house with a neat lawn. It was deserted in the clearing with great access to the forest In front of it; the only other houses that I could see were fairly smaller and lmuch ess extravagant, but were quite a distance a way. It wasn't that, that had me stunned. It was the fact that I had seen this house before. Well actually, I had been here. This was Deans house.

However, that shock was nothing compared to the one when I saw that surrounding the house and the whole area were the biggest amount of wolves I had ever seen together. There were so many; from little cubs to large menacing wolves that were all staring daggers into me.

The wolf behind me came in front and immediately all the wolves in the clearing stepped aside and made a pathway for him. He nodded in my direction and I took this as a sign to follow him. We stepped inside the familiar house and he led me towards a small room on the ground floor. A few seconds later, a petite female came in. She had honey blonde hair and a heart shaped face-wait Claire! Dean's mom.

At this point I was past feeling surprised. Lesson for today: expect the unexpected! She nodded at the wolf and he left. She smiled softly towards me and placed a bundle of clothes on the single bed next to the window. 'Change into these clothes, I'll wait for you outside' with that she left and closed the door quietly behind her.

I shifted back into my human form; feeling the all too familiar breeze. I pulled the jeans and blouse that were on the bed on. I sighed and looked out of the window, perhaps now I was by myself I could escape. I looked out of the window and to my delight all the werewolves weren't there anymore. I was too anxious about how I was to escape to wonder where all the wolves had gone.

Cautiously I got up on the bed; I didn't want It to creak and give me away. I put my leg on the window sill and pushed the window with all my strength. Yes! I nearly laughed out loud in delight. Carefully I heaved myself up and got out. Lucky I was on the ground floor.

I landed on my feet onto the grass, pumping my fists in the air in victory. Whoo! Score to faith! Take that! Guess they didn't think of that now did they. I chortled to myself and began to run. I had barely gotten a few meters away when I felt a hand grasp my arm and I was spun around facing a bulky man. I groaned, busted! He laughed when he saw my expression. 'You're a little fighter aren't you?' I Ignored him as he stirred me back into the house through the entrance which for some reason was buzzing with noise. Weird, It was dead quiet when I came in before.

My jaw dropped open as we stepped Inside. The whole ground floor was packed with people; from the open plan living room to people lounging on the stairs. So this is the source of the noise I thought. Almost immediately after I stepped in everyone's eyes turned towards me and an awkward silence hung over. You could literally hear a pin drop.

No wonder I hadn't seen any wolves outside, they must have all shifted and gone in. Realisation hit me. So this must be the pack.

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