Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

Not much happen In this chapter so i will try and upload the nest chapter soon




And Enjoy....



'I need your help with something'

'With what? If It's anything scient-ish then I advise you go to Danna or Kate, because I suck' She laughed; putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

'It's not anything like that' I paused watching her now curious face. 

'It's actually something that I think you'd be quite brilliant at. A bit of pranking' I paused again; giving me a little time to think of what exactly I was going to say next. Truth be told, I wasn't exactly sure what I was planning.

'Carry on' She pressed; her eyes dancing with excitement. Trust Leah to be up for mischief! 

'Well, lets just say that I want to get someone a little bit of fun' I shuffled my feet, where do i go with this next? 

Luckily Leah broke the silence 'So you want me to help you prank someone?' And....who might this person be?' She enquired with a raised eyebrow.

'Your Alpha'


I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Boy was today going to be a good day! I'd somehow challenged all my anger and resentfulness at my 'mate' by plotting how I was going to give him one hell of a day!

Him and that Brunette where sure going to have a nice lunch if he even makes it to her. I got up andstretched; smirking to myself. I caught a glance at myself. Messy bed hair, mis matching rumpled pyjamas and an evil glint in y eye. Hmm not a good look.

I got In my bathroom and had a quick shower; splattering the floor with water as i hurridly got out and dryed myself with a towel. I had to be at school as quick as possible and meet Leah to make sure everything was In check. Begrudgingly, I had told her who my target was, but despite her questions i hadn't given her many details close to the truth. 

I spun her a tale at how he had supposedly 'embarrassed and angered me at our first encounter'. Well he had done that alright! I hadn't mentioned how we're mates and he decided to be a prick and snog some other girl. Of course, leaving out these details didn't go well on my side and made her look at me like I was a psycho. 

'Are you crazy? She had asked with wide eyes

'Maybe, so....are you in?' i had countered

She had shaken her head in disbelief 'What If you get caught? You do know he's not just a regular teacher don't you? I mean normally i'd be so up for this, but this seems too...much?'

'Don' t worry' i had assured her. 'He won't find out and even If he does I won't mention you at all, after all It's my plan so I'll take the blame since your in his pack'

'Pleaseeeeeeee' I pleaded with what I hoped was my best puppy dog face.

Well i guess it had worked, because yesterday she had agreed. Luckily we both had Biology next so we discussed what our dear little teacher had in store for him. I brushed my hair; wincing as I yanked it through my knots. No time to be gentle. After a five minute blow dry, I had put my hair up In a bun. It didn't look It's best today considering I didn't have time to style It and It was puffy from the extremely short blow dry, but hey It was dry.

Throwing on a pair of my dark skinny jeans, a pink tank top and a white hoodie, I was good to go. I went downstairs quietly and grabbed a cereal bar from the cupboard and raced out of the house.

Within fifteen minutes of speed walking I got to the school entrance. I sat on the oak steps; ignoring the flirtatious winks that some of the seniors were sending me. I gave one of them the finger and watched as his friends ribbed him and clapped him on his back. He had slightly messy dirty blondehair and was quite on the skinny side. Oh no, not a chat up line again. I need to see Leah as soon as possible and It wasn't going to help if some moron decided to get cocky with me in front of his mates. He walked towards me; his friends laughing behind him. He walked towards me to the front steps. He wasn't good looking but he wasn't exactly hideous either. He didn't seem like a jock or anything, just someone having a laugh.

'Hey Sexy havn't I seen you some place before?' he asked raising his eyebrows In what he probably thought was suggestive. I giggled. He looked comical.

Ahh what the hell. I've had a bad two days, might as well have a little fun now. I nodded my head with a smirk. 'Oh yes, that's why I don't go there anymore' 

He laughed, opening his mouth again, no doubt to say another flirtacious comment when a hand was placed on his shoulder. I looked up and guess who I saw. Yeah you guessed right. Trey. He looked just as smoking hot as yesterday In black trousers and a white shirt with a few buttons undone; slightly hinting of the abs hidden beneath. My stomach flipped at the sight of me. Calling him hot was an understatement.

I kept my head down, refusing to catch his gaze. 'Anton, come with me, I have to discuss yourEnglish results' 

The guy looked at me. 'Oh, but sir, can't it wait till after?' he whined. Trey raised his eyebrows, 'Not unless you want me to make calls home about your lack of progress'. The guy sighed, but didn't protest and followed Trey Into school. He winked at me before leaving, but i was too busy staring at the back of a certain someone, thinking of just how hot he looked from the back as well as the front. Even his ass looked good In those trousers.

Man, I have It bad.

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