chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

Treys POV

I rubbed my temples as I looked around dazed. My shock soon turned Into anger and disgust. I grimly took the corner of my papers; wiping them unsuccessfully with kleenex. The desk and the floor around It were a mess. A disgusting mess. I slumped onto my chair to open my draws and jumped a mile in the air as the chair slumped down. Someone had removed one of the wheels. By this point I was literally fuming. All hell was going to break loose when I got my hands on the person behind this. It was dangerous to piss off a werewolf, but a pernicious act to piss off an Alpha. Oh they had guts alright.

'Bloody bastards' I growled 

I looked around the classroom, nothing else seemed to have been targeted apart from my desk and the area around it. It was going to be hard scrubbing it all off. Muttering a number of profanities under my breath I stomped to my cupboard; yanking the door open making it rattle on It's hings. As If on cue a  box filled with dark liquid came crashing at my feet; splattering me with the substance.  I grit my teeth as a few odd stains now covered my shirt, morphing instantly from the light blue colour of my shirt to a dark blob of black.

If It was possible my day had gone from good to shit in just two minutes. Well what you can call good comapared to right now. I couldnt stop thinking about her . Every time I closed my eyes those beautiful emerald globes would haunt me; filling my head with images of her, her intoxicating scent and how absolutely gorgeous she was. True I had never been one to be head over heels about anyone, they were always careless flings, but she was different. I couldn't get her out of my head and the fact that she seemed to hate me, had me perplexed. 

I was beyond furious when that little prick had tried to flirt with her. What was his name? Adam? Even or was It Eton? Either way he was just a measly human, but the thought of him trying to get It on with her still had my blood boiling. I had to make an excuse of his coursework not being up to scratch and given him a week of after school study time. That should keep him away. I was shocked that my wolf had been trying to break free and throttle him for daring to come next to her. She had   stated clearly that she had her own mate so why was I getting so protective and........jealous. 

I frowned. I had never gotten jealous over a girl before, not even Melissa and shes my fiance to be for  goodness sake! It doesn't make sense and neither does this mess either I thought irritably. Just wait until i find the culprit, they'll wi-

I was shaken out of my furious steam of thoughts by a loud chortle and sound of shuffling outside my door. Enraged, I marched to the door; betting almost anything that the person behind this was the one having a laugh outside at my frustration. They had obviously sensed my knowledge of their prescence, because I  heard scrambling outside and the sound of footsteps running away. Even more riled up now; I yanked my classroom door open. 

The halls were empty since most people were in the canteen now, but I heard the squeak of shoes on the marble floors and a glimpse of white pumps dissappear around the corner. Not wasting a single second, I sprinted In that direction, around the corner, grumbling under my breath as the person dissappeared again through another corridor. Being an alpha wolf definitely had its perks as I caught up with them in a matter of seconds. 

The females back was to me as she unsuccessfully tried to run ahead; her chestnut brown hair flailing around her at every step. 

'Stop' I demanded In full Alpha authority. I wasn't a leader to pick on women, but I made sure to put everyone in their place. She kept her back to me, but stopped In her tracks; obviously debating with herself weather to risk running or not. Seeming to have made up her mind she was about to take another step away, but my wolf wasn't having It. He was howling for me to make sure  I received respect and full obedience. I shot my hand forward; taking hold of her arm to stop her getting away. 

Sparks flew instantly as our skin touched and I faintly heard her gasp. Spinning her around to face me; I gasped as I saw It was none other than Faith herself. She grimaced as she saw me, but didn't show any signs of fear-meeting me dead in the eye. 

'It was you?' It was more of a statement rather than a question. I could tell from her facial expressions that she knew she had been caught at an act. She nodded her head  boldly; not wavering under my gaze. Unbelievably all I could think about was how beautiful she looked in her casual tee and jeans and how It would feel to wrap my arms around her. My wolf on the other hand was growling at her lack of  submission and wanted her to acknowledge his authority. 

She held her ground and didnt blink once. After a minute of our stare down I broke the silence 'Turn down' I was the Alpha after all and I wouldnt be the one to look away first. 'No' she growled back at me. My wolf snapped at that; he took that as a challenge and wouldnt have any of that. His patience had been tested enough as it is. 

Gripping her hands In one hand and her face In another, I plunged my lips onto hers. At once fireworks set off as the taste of watermelon and cherry exploded In my mouth. I could feel electrical sparks shooting In my body; from head to toe and I could barely concentrate on anything around me. All sanity and thought of us being in a school hall, that I was her teacher, that I was engaged and that she already had a mate flew out of my mind and all I could concentrate on her sweet, provocative taste and the exhilarating feeling that It gave me. 

I could distantly hear a mini figure walking around In my head with a drum; screaming 'mate', 'mate', 'mate' . There was no denieing It now. She was my mate and no matter what she said, I know what I felt. Judging by the way her lips responded to mine and the way she wrapped he arms around my shoulders, I knew she felt It too.

Our lips moved in sync and I could feel my heart beating into overdrive. She was the one. Every pore In my body was screaming It. I would have to be deaf and plain stupid to not realise It. 

 I moved my lips away from hers; allowing her to catch her breath and locked my eyes onto hers. Moving my body even closer to hers, making her move backwards until she hit the wall, I placed my hands on the wall behind her on either side. She was trapped in front of me. I blew a lock of hair away from her face; and to my pleasure making her shudder in delight. She closed her eyes; her breathing uneven. 

I gave her a few seconds to get her breathing under control, before leaning my face forwards and whispering clearly 'Mine'

She opened her eyes and was perched her lips; about to say something when footsteps were heard approaching our way. I snapped to attention; suddenly aware that we were In a school hall were students were bound to come around any time as It was the end of lunch break. I was reckless, but I didn't regret anything at all. That kiss was really something. Pushing myself away from Faith hastily; I was just in time as two of my students came into view.

'Oh sir, could you help me with my homework, I had trouble with the last chapter' Becca asked as she and her friend came forward. 

'Of course' I replied with a forced smile, looking at secretly at Faith who had composed herself. What I really wanted was alone time with my mate. 

'Great, I have It right here' She began shuffling In her bag and during this Faith slowly walked away in the direction of the canteen. I sighed, It wasn't like I could stop her from leaving without looking suspicious in front of my students. One thing was for sure-she was my mate and I would make sure to win her over.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 07, 2012 ⏰

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