Chapter Eight Part 2

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Hey Everyone!

I've been really busy the last few weeks which is why I couldn't upload, but Part two is finally up!!!

Thank you to everyone who has fanned me, It really does mean alot to know that people like my work.

There are probably some grammer mistakes because I didn't have time to edit this so I apologise for


Please remember to




And read away...


I could feel my cheeks heat up and I lowered my gaze; feeling uncomfortable that so many eyes were on me. The man kept his grip on my arm; making me feel as if I was a little toddler that had been caught doing something wrong red handed. The silence dwelled on for a few more seconds and then low murmuring erupted as people whispered to the people next to them.

I kept my head down the whole time, wishing I was anywhere else, but here. Seriously, how awkward is this? What's going to happen to me? They wouldn't hurt me would they? I sighed, playing with the hem of my blouse just to keep me distracted; my eyes glued to the material and my curtain of hair hiding me from the gazes of the pack members. I was just about to look up and ask what we were waiting for when the tingling sensations that I had earlier came back, getting stronger at every second that passed by.

I snapped my eyes up and my jaw nearly dropped open. I'm surprised I didn't start drooling. The sexiest man I had ever seen in my whole life stood before me. My eyes assessed him from his muscular six pack to the lines of his neck and then up to his chiselled jaw, perfectly carved lips to his high cheekbones and finally those piercing blue eyes. Which now that I mention it-were staring right at me. They were so captivating that I found myself unable to look away. My heart fluttered. This was my mate. The wolf that pounced on me before.

He stared pointedly at the mans hand on my arm and the man immediately backed away, stepping forward and whispering something in his ear. My mates' eyes stayed transfixed on me the whole time. His eyebrows shot upwards. I bet the man was telling him how I ran away. What a snitch.

My mate smirked making him look even sexier If that was even possible. He chuckled. 'Well, well, well It looks like we have a rebel in our hands' I blushed again as a few of the pack members tinkered.

Obviously sensing my embarrassment he signalled for me to follow him as he walked forward, I kept my head down and stayed silent. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest at the thought of being so close to him; only a few steps of the way. I looked up and had to bite my lip at the glorious site of his muscles rippling under his smooth skin at his every move. Wow my mate is fit!

He suddenly turned around on the spot and stepped towards me. I stood rooted in my place; unable to get my body to function properly as he placed his hand on my arm and drew his head forward. I sucked in my breath. I could feel his cool breath on my shoulder causing a series of goose bumps to appear. I could see every detail on his perfect face. Wow, was his face carved by angels or something? I had never seen a boy-scratch that, I had never seen a MAN as good looking as him before.

His head got even closer. His face was literally a few millimetres away from mine. Oh God, he was going to kiss me wasn't he! I could feel the excitement bubbling inside in spite of myself. His lips parted. 

So close, so clos-

'Why don't you follow me into the room so we can talk without interruptions' He drew his head back at the last moment and whispered in my ear.

He chuckled at my expression and walked into a room. I stood in my place unable to comprehend what just happened. Did he just-

'Well aren't you coming in? He popped his head around the door looking amused.

'Y-Ye' I cleared my throat, 'Yes I am'

He stepped back as I entered what looked like an office judging by the large desk and oak bookshelves. He placed himself on a chair and waved at me to sit down on the one in front of him. I drummed my fingers on the arm handle of the chair not knowing what to say.

'So tell me about yourself little mate, you don't belong to a pack do you? Otherwise you would've known about the borderlines'

'Not that I'm complaining that I found you of course' he quickly added In.

My heart fluttered at the words Little Mate. I hated it when anyone called me 'Little' but It sounded sexy when It came out of his mouth. God, what's wrong with me!

'Umm well I'm new here, I live around Pennywern Avenue and no I don't belong to a pack'

He smiled softly at me; the same emotion that was in his eyes when he was in wolf form was back, but this time It didn't make me feel nervous. I liked It. I know before I said I didn't want a mate, but now that I've met mine I couldn't help but feel attracted to him and not want to leave him.

'You'll be in my pack Angel'

His smooth, silky voice sent tingles in my body. He reached forward grabbing my hand in his and intertwining our fingers together. 'No need to be shy, I'm not goin-'

He was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. He sighed; obviously annoyed by the interruption. 'I'll be right back' He promised.

'Don't worry, take your time' I smiled

He nodded and stepped out of the room; leaving the door a few centimetres open. I sat In my chair patiently. Maybe this was what I needed. Perhaps things would finally go right for me now. He's my mate after all. What could go wrong?

I heard a female's voice talking and my mate talking in a low voice. I grew curious; It wouldn't hurt to listen in to what they were saying. I knew it was eavesdropping, but I couldn't help myself. I tip toed towards the door and peeped through the door.

From the little open space between the nearly closed door and wall I could see a pretty blonde in a lilac low cut dress. ' waiting Trey'  

Trey. Trey. Trey. That sounded like a sexy name; It fits perfectly with him I thought grinning as I remembered that I hadn't actually asked him his name before. What I saw next wiped the grin right off my face. She closed the gap between them and pressed her lips to his. I couldn't see his face, but he didn't pull away.

'I love you' she whispered. 

'I love you too' he replied in a calm voice.

I stepped away from the door; not wanting to see anymore. I felt a pang of pain at the sight of him with another girl. He was mine! My eyes prickled with tears and I slumped in my chair; my hands shaking as I bent my head down and tried to steady my breathing. To say I felt betrayed was an understatement. How could he? Didn't he feel the pull that I did. I shook my head; well he fooled me. I closed my eyes. It took everything in me to not barge outside and punch that whore in her face.

A few seconds later my mate-I mean Trey walked back in. He smiled at me and looked confused when I glared in his direction.

'So Little Ma-'

'Don't call me that' I snapped. He opened his mouth; probably to ask why so I beat him to it and said the first thing that came to my head.

'Your not my mate'

He looked at me in confusion. 'What do yo-'

'I already have a mate so It's not you' I cut him off again.

A look of hurt flashed on his face. I stuck my chin out and barged out; slamming the door as I did so before he could even say another word.

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