Jealous 💔

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***this is gonna be part of a longer fic but it's juicy and I wanna share it now  _('ཀ'」 ∠)
It's pretty angrsty but use your imagination an make it fluffy cause y'all ready know Craig is down bad asf but doesn't know his own feelings... but he gonn know soon tho 👀🤪❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩷🤍🩵🤎🖤***

"Craig!" Tweek calls after him as he stalks out the school doors, dodging through the crowd in the halls hurrying to catch up.
"Craig, wait!" He shouts at the back of his head, half jogging to catch up to his speed walking friend.
"Leave me alone Tweek, I'm busy." Craig calls back in irritation.
"Just wait! I need to talk to you!" Tweek persists, almost caught up to him.
"Why do you need to talk to me? Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" Craig snaps at him, increasing his speed. Tweek stops dead in his tracks.
"Why are you so mad that I'm happy? I thought we were best friends..." Tweek calls after him, his voice strained, quivering hands clutching in distress at his sweater.
Craig stops but doesn't turn around. His fingers curl into fists and he clenches his teeth.
"I don't wanna be your friend." He says slowly through gritted teeth. The truth in his words ringing out loudly in his ears, cutting sharply through the air between them. The searing heat from the anger in his chest rises up to his head, pounding against the inside of his brow and burning his eyes. Tweek's pained shaky exhale echoes in his ears adding to the blinding heat in his head and he can't stay near him a second longer. Clenched fists shaking at his sides he resumes his rapid pace across the field away from Tweek.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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