Did I Stutter?

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Written 2017


"Did I stutter?" he pauses leveling his eyes at me. "I love you."

He says again, the same level certainty in his tone. His coffee and cream eyes stay fixed on me.

Locking me in place.

Jesus Tweek, why do you have to say it like that.

"Haaah..." I say lamely, cringing internally.

I hurriedly clear my throat and try again. "I mean uhh... that's... I uhm, thanks..."

I stare at my feet.

"I don't know what you want me to say..." I finish softly.

"Well," he starts

"I think it's pretty obvious what anyone would want you to say... but I... I just wanted to say it."

He fidgets.

"Well, I'm gonna go then."

He turns to leave and I grab his arm.


He turns toward me.

"Yes Craig?"

I swallow nervously.

"I... are we still friends?" I blurt, feeling stupid.

He smiles wistfully.

"Of course."

He makes to leave again but I don't let go of his arm.

I can't.

How can I let him walk away now?

Just fucking say it.

We stand like that for a while, in silence. Me gripping his arm unable to meet those eyes of his, him half turned to leave.

Finally; "Craig?"

I flinch.

"Do you think you could let go of me now?"

"Uh yeah... Tweek?"

"Yes, Craig?"

"I'm sorry..."

He sighs. "It's fine, Craig. Really. I've felt this way a while. The only thing that's changed, is you know now..."

We stand in silence, again.

He sighs, again.

"It's getting late, and I'm kind of... tired. I just wanna go home, Craig." his voice sounds defeated, strained, as if he's holding back tears.

Damn it Tweek...

"You can stay over." I say, finally meeting his eyes.

I can see the hope arise in them momentarily, only to extinguish quickly, and be replaced by distance.

No, Tweek... please, don't do that...

He averts his eyes, shoulders slumping resignedly.

"No, that's okay. I'm just gonna go home." He turns his eyes to me again, his lips forcing a smile that doesn't match his wounded gaze.

"Tweek, stay over." I beg, almost a whisper.

My eyes search his face, but its blank. Unable to pretend that he doesn't hurt any longer.
He stares at the ground.

"Please, let go." He whispers turning away from me.

"Tweek stay over." I repeat, tugging on his arm and stepping closer to wrap him in my arms.

"Tweek, I'm sorry, don't go. Please don't go." I beg desperately.

He's crying now, I can feel tears his soaking through my shirt. He lets out a sob.

"Just... just let me go home." He stands there, limp in my arms.

Goddamn it Tweek.

I pull back and tilt his chin up, forcing him to look at me. He stares at me through pained, tearstained eyes.

I lean in and press my lips against his slightly crying-puffed ones.

When we break apart he smiles sheepishly.

"Thanks Craig," he says, unable to erase the shy smile from his face as he wipes at his eyes "You didn't have to do that, it's really okay, I just need t0-"

I cut him off, pulling him into another kiss, pushing deeper this time. I hook an arm around his waist to pull him even closer, and he rests his hands against my chest, sinking greedily into the kiss.

When we finally break apart, I keep my arms wrapped around him, and watch as realization flickers through his eyes.
They widen in revelation.

"Craig?" he asks, his voice small, hopeful.

I have trouble meeting those electric eyes, so I hug him tight instead.

"I... I love you too." I murmur breathlessly into his ear.

"So please don't go..."

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