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The Principals Office

"Rylyn, what were you thinking?! You could've gotten hurt at a place like that, and just to vandalize." My mom cried out. So annoying. "We've been giving him more than enough warnings and suspensions. I'm sorry to say this Mrs. Blake, but we're going to have to expel your son." My principal held back a smile and sighed.

"ARE YOU KIDDING? WE PAID HELLA MONEY FOR THIS EXPENSIVE SCHOOL!" My stepfather shot out of his chair and slammed his hand down on the principal's desk. "Sir, please calm down and refrain from raising your voice." My principal held his hands up in defense. "Fucking idiots." I leaned back in my chair. "Who are you calling an idiot?! You're the one getting kicked out of school again! I've had it with you!" He grabbed me by the collar of my hoodie and lifted me in the air.

"Let me go!" I wriggled in his grip. "S-security!"  My whiny principal yelled in his walkie. "John put him down!" My mom screamed. "He's so fucking disrespectful and can't keep his mouth shut!" John threw me on the ground. "Seems to me we will need to get in contact with CPS." Principal Chadwick snapped and brought security guards to drag John out.

"N-no, please. My son can't get expelled, there has to be another way so he can graduate. I want grandchildren." She sobbed in her handkerchief. "Ma'am, there is another solution. "Shove your solution." I got up and patted myself off, picking up a chair that fell over and took a seat. "What is it, we'll take it!" My mom leaned forward in desperation with tears gushing from her eyes.

"Listen first, would you? It's a boys correctional institute, a boarding school known as the ABCI." He handed her a flier with a caption that read 'Where your son can learn some disciplining lessons'. "Yeah, no. I'm good." I snatched the flier and put it in the paper shredder next to his desk. "NO!" My mom twitched like a psychopath. "Don't worry, I have plenty." Mr. Chadwick smirked at me.

"Thank the heavens." My mom sighed and held her hands on her chest. "Thank the heavens." I mocked and pouted. "How soon can I register him?" She placed a hand on my knee. I trembled and swatted her hand away. "Ouch!" She hissed and looked at the three long lines that were spotted with blood. "That's it! We're going home and you are packing your belongings and leaving to go to that boarding school!" She stood up furiously and accepted the flier.

"I'll let them know of your arrival and they will take things from there." Mr. Chadwick smiled and checked out my mom. She was the kind of mom that had a 'milf figure' but that's gross. Some even say that I have my mom's figure but that's total bull. "Thank you for everything." She bowed her head slightly and yanked my arm. "Chill on your grip, Gina." I yanked my arm back only for her to keep her grip on me. "I am your mother, now take off your hood!" She reached for my hood. "NO!" I was too late even though I could've beaten her. She huffed and patted my head. "There's nothing there so stop acting weird like there's gum in your hair." She sighed like she was relieved and walked away.

"They're gone. YES!" POOF! CRAP! I darted and passed my mom. "Are you messing with smoke bombs again?!" She chased after me outside the school and into the parking lot. "Let's just go!" I got in the back seat and held my hands on my hood.

"Why're you acting this way Rylyn?" She looked back at me from the front seat. "Nothing, now take me home." I sighed, looking out the window. The car ride felt long but not longer than the tail that was coming out the crack of my ass.

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