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Here I come

"Come on, wake up." I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, cursing under my breath. "Get the fuck up!" John ripped the blankets off of me. "Okay! I'm up." I glared at him. "I hate you so damn much." He mumbled under his breath. "I hate you more, dumb bitch." I muttered back.

He didn't hear me fortunate but unfortunately, and walked out of my room. "The jet is ready with your stuff in it. The only thing left is for us to drive to the private airport we can fly to the school." My mom fidgeted nervously. "Can't we drive the whole way like normal people? I don't need those idiots thinking of me as some rich snob. I'd rather be a broke snob." I sighed.

She didn't say anything and looked unhappy. "What now?" I groaned. "I-I don't want you to go but I need you to behave and graduate." She began to tear up and cry. I sighed and hugged her. "I won't be gone for long so don't worry." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Every time she cries she looks like a child.

"W-we can't be late." She let me go and sniffled throughout the house and out the door. I sat in the back seat, stretching my body across the entire limo seat, dozing off. An anonymous person laid a blanket over me. I smiled until I heard my mom. "Awh, John you're so sweet." I immediately kicked the blanket off and frowned. I'd rather freeze to death than use anything that weird shrek built bodybuilder gives me.

~~~Time skip~~~

"We're here, come on. The pilot doesn't have all day." My mom adjusted the ruffles on her white dress. "technically he does if he works for us." I rolled my eyes and got out of the car, making my way to walk up the steps to the jet. "I'm going in the room so don't bother me." I walked away without looking back. "O-okay, I hope you sleep well." She held her hands to her chest nervously. "Yeah, me too." I waved my hand in dismissal and closed the door. 

I flopped on the bed like a fish on land and unmade the bed to my liking. Rolling up in the blanket had me comfortable thinking about everything that might happen at my new school. Joining in the middle of the year is awkward so how should my first impression be? Quiet and mysterious, a rebellious hothead or a snobby leader who runs gangs. I'll just wait until I get there and see what kind of audience I have so I can play my proper role.

Before I knew it, I was snoozing like a baby. The flight felt short and quick but it was only because I slept the whole time without waking up once. I somehow woke up as soon as we flew over to the school, It was a huge white brick school with golden decor around it with tall fancy garden trees or whatever you call it, where the trees are tall and swirly or there's bushes shaped like weird shit.

The school was on a hill with a long driveway down like a mansion would have. Another thing that stood out to me was the long and tall white brick all connected to large golden gates. It's like it's telling us we're in prison but for rich uptight kids only. "Please fasten your buckles, for we are about to land." The pilot said all pilotey on the intercom thing. 

"Don't tell me what to do." I raised my middle finger in the sky, waving it up at the ceiling. "We have landed safely, I hope you enjoyed your flight and will have a safe trip. See you next time, master Rylyn. Take care." The jet suddenly went quiet and the thoughts came flooding in like a hurricane. What am I going to do about my furry situation? I guess I'll wait.

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