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Warning: Sexal assault/ Harrasment


"You." The boy smirked and crossed his arms, his friends from earlier and a few more walked in after him and closed the door behind them. "Don't tell me." I sighed and flopped on the couch dramatically. "Yup, looks like we're roomies. Hopefully we can get along." He laughed and so did the rest of his friends. "You all are weird homo psychos." I sat up and kept my guard up since I'm cornered in the room with a whole group. "Aren't you a homo for kissing up on Casey? He's a dude too ya know." I couldn't help but look away glaring at a wall with my face feeling flushed.

"HA, he's new and already banging dudes." I just sat and silently stared at the guy who just said that. Is he an idiot? I know he was probably sucking off one of his friends in the janitor's closet. "You probably give guys free head and rimjobs so you don't have room to talk." I muttered and fiddled with my nails. "The fuck did you say?!" He inched closer to me before the leader stopped him. "Sorry about my friend." He held back a snicker. "Looks like we got off the wrong foot. I'm Desmond, I also go by Des, or D. What's your name?" They stood in silence waiting for me to answer.

"I don't know." I stuck my tongue out and flicked him off like a brat. "Well, I tried to be nice." He sighed dramatically and sat down on the lower bunk of his bed with some of his friends, the others sitting on the floor in front of the tv, turning it on and turning on Fortnite on the PS5. I stayed seated on the couch until I got bored and got up to find something to snack on. I was only able to get up and turn around until I heard all of them yell 'GYAT'. "What the hell?" I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned at them then speed walked into the shared kitchen. What even is a gyat? It sounds freaking dumb.

"Damn, where's all the good stuff?" I examined the fridge like a hungry bozo. "I've got something good for you, baby." A deep voice erupted from behind me along with hands on my hips and what I hope isn't a groin rubbing on my backside. I tensed up and lunged myself forward into the fridge in fear. "HANDS OFF! PERVERT! SEXUAL HARASSMENT!" I hollered and threw condiments at the mystery person. "Damn, chill." He dodged and weaved until I hit him in his area with a bottle of hot sauce. Why is hot sauce in the fridge when it clearly belongs in a pantry or lazy susan.

"Fuck!" He angrily groaned and stumbled, holding his balls. "That's what you get! Don't touch me again!" Freaking creep. He didn't like my resistance and yanked me by my arm and slammed my upper half over the counter and bending my arm behind my back, keeping a firm grip on the back of my head. "S-stop! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled at the dazzling boy behind me. "You new?" He gripped my arm tighter. I tried to muffle my groans so I didn't show pain but they only came out as hushed moans.

"N-No duh, you dumbass!" I kicked at his legs but he didn't budge. He pressed his crotch into my backside and leaned into my ear. "If you don't want me to take you right here I'd suggest you answer my question." He applied pressure on my arm, making me moan and groan in pain through clenched teeth. "Keep making sounds like that and it'll sound like somethings going on in here." He laughed and gripped a handful of my hair. I hated how the pain was going straight to my groin, I don't know if I'm sick or if there's something wrong but the way my body is reacting isn't normal.

"Looks like karma got to you." Des stood in the kitchen with some of his friends. They all had shocked expressions on their faces. "What karma are you talking about?!" I don't deserve this shit! "Looks like he gets turned on from getting manhandled. Look at his face." The boy who held his grip and groin on me said. "He looks like a slut." That's when my last thread of patience snapped. I used my free arm to elbow him on the side of his head and turn myself around and push him off. There's no way I'm gonna let these thugs try and bully me on my first day.

"Damn. Myles just got wrecked." I huffed and puffed with all the anger in my body. I spun around and got a good look at Myles. He had brown skin, thick black hair, kind of like a fro but with some dreads like he was twisting random parts of his hair when he was bored, clean eyebrows with two slits on the front left brow, brown eyes, dimples, straight white teeth, and sharp canines. Comparing him to everyone else, they're all average. "Holy..." I unintentionally let the words slip past my lips.

Myles was shirtless, tall like a basketball player, jacked, and his shorts hung low on his waist, exposing his Nike boxers. My eyes wandered from one peck to the other to my barely fit chest under my shirt. I lifted my shirt to look at my flat and kinda smooth stomach and dipped in waist compared to his six pack. He looked at me and smirked but I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Rizz." One the bystanders said, making the rest of the kitchen besides Des and Myles laugh. My face went red and I shook my head and went back to search the cabinets for a snack. I reached up to open the cabinet and someone's warm body pressed itself against my back and rear. The familiar feeling was Myles of course. "I can reach it, I don't need help so back the hell up." I elbowed him in his stomach, doing zero damage and went back to minding my business in anger.

"Relax, baby." He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly from behind, kissing the back of my neck. "HNG!" I jolted in surprise. "Don't do that! I-I'm not even gay! I like girls!" I stomped my foot like an angry child and stormed out of the kitchen. Fuck! I can't eat and all these freaking perves want to do is bully and harass me! Maybe I should call Casey and tell him to come over and sit with me so I'm not with these weirdos.

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