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Top bunk

After Mr. Lee told me some extra bullshit I wasn't paying attention to, I took all my bags to the closet and started unpacking in the empty area of the closet and dresser. It hasn't even been fifteen minutes but I already hear some commotion in the halls. I'm just going to unpack, take a shower, then hang out here and hope for my roommate to never return. I unpacked all my clothes and shoes and electronic devices, and extra shit. I took out a towel and my other necessities. "I can change when I get back," I muttered to myself. Before I left I made up my bed on the top bunk, my face got hot at the thought of what Casey was doing on my bed.

I took my stuff and left my room. I remember where the bathroom is since it's just down the hall and around the corner. It's a bit of a walk but it's still closer than the other bathrooms. I opened the door to the large bathroom with showers side by side, the toilets were in a different area with their stalls and the urinals just looked like urinals, the faucets and handles were gold but the tiles around the wall and floor were yellow to match the hall and rank we were in. The shower wall dividers were tinted white. After taking in the bathroom, I went to the furthest stall in the bathroom. "Alright, I'll just take a quick shower and be right out." I turned on the shower to a nice piping-hot temperature. If there's not a thick cloud of fog then It's not got enough for me.

After the thick cloud appeared and fogged all of the dividers and mirrors I stripped and hung my towel and clothes on the hook that was located outside the shower. "Can't forget the glasses." I took them off and slid them into the pocket of my hoodie. Stepping into the shower felt amazing. The temperature was nice and hot. After drenching my washcloth, I continued with my routine. "Damn, it's hot as fuck in here! Who's in here?!" A voice made its way into the bathroom, followed by chatter and laughter. My best choice was to stay silent and hope nobody would come to investigate. "It doesn't matter since we're gonna smoke anyways, might as well use the shower as an excuse." The voices got closer.

Damn it! I never hated people so much in my life. "Hey look someone's in there." A guy snickered. "Turn off the shower so we can see you!" One of them shouted. "No, what the fuck. Fucking creep." I snapped back. Curse my fucking mouth, I can't stay quiet for anything. "I'd shut up and follow directions if I were you." He answered back annoyed. I didn't answer and continued to shower. It's weird enough they want to see me while I'm showering. Thanks to the smoke they can't see that well, but I can't see either so anything can happen.

"He's probably embarrassed because he has a small dick." One of the other laughed along with the rest. "Your Mother." I turned the shower off. I can't do this back and forth with a bunch of idiots. I'll just slip past it since it's still blurry. "That's better." He chuckled. I was still facing the shower so the only view they had was of my back...and ass. I need to grab my towel. "You look good from behind. Nice ass." I was ready to turn around and start beating the shit out of him but I don't know which one said it and they could jump me. Maybe one swing and running could be best, they didn't see my face yet and they don't know what kind of clothes I wear.

"Damn, I haven't seen a butt that big in a long time." One of them said. "Turn around." another one of them demanded. "Nah I'm good, I don't need you guys staring at my junk." I covered my front. "Unless your gonna get on your knees and suck it," I smirked, turning my head to the side a smidge before looking back ahead of me. "The fuck did you say?!" The guy hollered. "You heard me so shut up and let me leave." I sighed. I'm getting frustrated but I don't know what they're capable of. All of a sudden my hair was getting pulled and I fell backwards.

My eyes met with the leader. I'm not gay, but he's fine as hell. His eyes are sharp, he has tightly curled hair, clear skin, and... "What the fuck is wrong with your eyes." He held a grip on my hair. I gasped and closed my eyes, squeezing them shut. The glasses. "What's wrong with them? Is it like when there are two different colors?" One of his goons asked. "No. Are you wearing contacts? Open your eyes." He pulled my hair hard. "No! This is harassment!" I kicked my legs and flung my fist wherever I could reach. "Open his legs." He nodded his head and smirked. They rushed to follow his orders. "No! Bitch I wish you would." I kicked my feet like a windmill. "Jeez, we're not gonna do anything so chill out." I headbutted him with all the strength in my body.

"Fuck!" He shoved me and held his bleeding nose. The others went to comfort their master and left me alone, finally. "Chill on these nuts!" I got up and slapped all three of them before grabbing my clothes and towel. Huffing, puffing, and stomping out of the bathroom. I put on the glasses and made my way back to my room, glaring at everyone who looked at me. "Pull his towel and run, no balls." A group of guys stopped beside me. "Fuck off!" I flipped them off and continued stomping. "You better watch yourself, new kid. What's with the glasses? Let me have 'em." He held his hand out.

Before I was about to go off there was another loud POOF. No no no no no, not now, please! "What the hell?!" They started coughing like they didn't smoke. I dashed down the hall and left them to waft the smoke. "Get him!" They ran behind me. I made it to my room just in time. Damn, that was close. I'm just going to get dressed and go to sleep. Fuck, the fucking cat! I can't sleep, what if someone comes in and sees my tail in the air? Ok, I'm just gonna put some music on and calm down. Music is, and will forever be the only way. While striding to the closet to get dressed I felt my body physically relax.

I opened my drawer and pulled out some thin pajama pants and a tee shirt. I don't care about draws since my balls need to breathe from time to time. I came out of the closet and walked to the bunk bed. "Wheres the damn outlet?" I muttered. Of course, there's no outlet close enough for me on the shitty top bunk, maybe I should use the outlet on the wall under the bottom bunk for now. I plugged my phone in and climbed up the ladder to get on the bed. Dozing off in an instant.

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