Experiment C-32

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Task Force 141 had arrived outside of the Eden Experimentation Facility at 04:00, quietly filing out of the military grade truck with their guns drawn. There was a constant downpour that soaked the team quickly. It was a decently sized area, about the size of a high school football field, enclosed in a 10 foot chain linked fence with barbed wires at the top. There was a two-story building in the center; gray and gloomy looking, as all experimentation facilities do, and had no windows. The outside lights flickered eerily with the front double doors opened. The area surrounding them was quiet, low thunder breaking through the air every so often.

"Alright, boys. Get in, get the file from the main computer, and get back out. Laswell says there's no survivors and do not go into the basement unless absolutely necessary." Price said quietly, the rain quieting his voice more. "Why not?" Soap asked, confused. "Classified. Main lab is on the second floor, the last door on the right. We'll clear the first floor then move up. Let's move. On me." Price turned away and led the team through the opening of the compound, walking through the opened gate and towards the entrance of the facility. "Gaz, Soap, left. Ghost you're with me." he ordered above a whisper. "Sir." Ghost responded. Price and Ghost walked slowly down the hallway to the right, guns drawn. The walls were white but were covered in an unknown substance and the floors matched. The doors aligning the hallway were broken off or open slightly. Approaching each room, their guns poked into the rooms before them before searching for what they needed. "Clear!" They all called out before moving to the next room. The air was cold, but dry. The lights along the ceiling were either broken or flickering, giving the team an uneasy feeling but they continued. The team swept the rooms quickly, and quickly walked upstairs together. Looking down the long corridor, Price assessed the situation. "Alright, Gaz you're with me. Ghost, Soap; get the rooms on the right. Sweep all rooms before entering the main lab." Ghost and Soap nodded before following their orders.

Once the rooms had been swept, the team stood outside the door of the main lab. It was a closed, large metal door with no window to look in. Ghost checked the knob, but it didn't turn. "Locked." he said. Price turned to Soap, "breach the door, son." he ordered. Soap pulled a charge from his bag, setting it up near the knob on the door. "Clear," he said as the team looked away, detonating the small explosive. With a loud pop, the door opened. Ghost walked in slowly first, scanning the room for what they were there for. He lowered his gun, "Empty." The room was trashed with debris and garbage. The desks were covered as well, but there was no electronics. "Fuck." Price said frustratedly. He reached for the radio on his shoulder, "Laswell, you there?" He waited a moment, looking at the team around him. "John, did you get the file?" Kate asked quickly. Price pressed the button on the radio once more, "Negative, main lab is empty." his voice sounded slightly panicked, confusion drifting over the team. There was only static, tension becoming obvious in the air as Soap, Gaz and Ghost looked at Price. "John..." she sighed, "You have-" "Kate we're not going down there." he barked before she could finish. "Price, what the fuck is goin' on?" Soap asked sharply. "John, it's imperative you retrieve that file." Laswell said sharply in response. Price sighed and shook his head, "Kate, are you fucking positive?" He barked once more. "Price, tell us what's goin' on!" Gaz shouted. Price put his hand up, waiting for Laswell's response. "I'm sorry, John." the team heard a slight crack in her voice. "FUCK!" Price shouted as he walked past the teams and went downstairs. The team followed, waiting for answers, "Price!" Ghost shouted, pushing Price's shoulder. Price stopped at the bottom of the steps. "We have to go into the basement." His voice was low, filled with fear and rage. The team was quiet for a moment, "What the hell is down there?" Soap asked, his voice demanding and impatient. Price took a deep breath, "They don't know... But whatever it is, is the reason this place went to shit. We have to stay fuckin' sharp. No fucking around. Get down there, get the file and get the fuck out." he said loudly.

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now