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Ghost sighed, "I suppose you should go by something else, eh." He stared forward as C-32 continued to look at him. After a moment, Ghost tilted his head, "You want me to come up with a name?" he asked sounding taken back. C-32 nodded as she smiled. "Okay, what about... Suzette?" C-32 made a sour face. Ghost nearly laughed at her expression before catching himself, "Alright, I'll say names until you like one, yeah?" She nodded. "Hailey, Lucy, Sarah, Georgia, Mary, Luanne, Barbara, Evelyn, Stephanie- I'm running outta names here." He said as he smirked under his mask and motif. "Keep going, I feel it coming." She smiled. "Uh, Joanne, Jasmine, Violet, Rose, Daisy-" "Aren't those flowers?" she asked as she laughed. "Yes, Dahlia, Sunny, Hera, Athena, Persephone, Iris-" "Wait! I like that one!" she said loudly. "Which one?" he asked confused. "Iris." "You do huh?" Ghost asked, feeling somewhat pleased but didn't show it. She nodded, "I do. I need a last name, don't I?" "Probably, yeah." Iris looked at his patch, "Can I have your last name?" Ghost's eyes widened, "What?" She smiled, "Yeah, I like it, Iris Riley." "I don't think so-" "Please." She begged, her eyes changing sizes and going doe-eyed. "Alright, alright, just stop doing that." He said quickly, he acted as if her eyes made him feel uneasy, but they made his spine burn subtly.

Before leaving the compound, Laswell and Price discussed what to do about C-32. "We can't just leave her here, Kate." Price sighed. "I know, John, but bringing her to back to the base is out of the question." Laswell said before turning to look at C-32, "She really doesn't seem like a threat." Price smiled, "She's actually pretty sweet. Soap and Gaz seem to have taken a liking to her." "What about Ghost?" Laswell asked as she looked back at Price. He tilted his head, "Well, he hasn't shot her so." He laughed quickly. Laswell nodded as she smiled, "Maybe we can put her in a safehouse with a team and-" Price shook his head, "No, I don't want this going outside the 5 of us. We don't know what will happen to her if word gets out." "John, we don't know what will happen if she gets upset, you said she needs blood to survive." Price sighed, "We also don't know how she'll react to being with new people." Laswell stayed quiet for a moment before sighing, "Alright, I'll set up a safehouse. We don't have many, but I can find something."

Ghost, Gaz, and Soap stood with Iris as Laswell found them a safehouse for them to stay in until they came up with a better solution. Price walked over to fill them in, "C-32 sorry for the wait," he smiled nervously, "We don't want to leave you here, alone, so we're finding somewhere safe for you until a more permanent solution can be put together. Is that alright with you?" Iris smiled, "I heard you talking." She crinkled her nose as she smiled. Price nodded as he grinned, "Ah, I figured so." "She's staying alone?" Soap asked sounding disappointed. "No, the four of us will be with her." "Price, I can handle myself." Iris responded playfully smug. "I have no doubt you can, but I want to be sure you're safe." he said softly. "Fair enough, but I have a new name," She smiled, "Ghost helped me pick it out." Price glanced at Ghost and bared a shit-eating grin, "Did he?" She nodded as she bounced with elation, "It's Iris Riley." Price nearly laughed while Soap spit out the water he was drinking as Gaz grabbed his shoulder, "That's a great name, Iris." Price said sweetly, still giving Ghost a teasing look. "Thank you, Price." Iris said shyly.

Laswell walked over to the team as she hung up the phone, "Alright, C-32 I found-" "Iris, please, Kate." She smiled as Laswell nodded, "Iris, beautiful name." "Thank you." "I found you somewhere to stay until we can find a permanent solution. It's a safehouse out in the country in Washington." "Washington?" Iris asked, confused. "It's a state, it's like a small nation. It's not far from here." Soap said quietly. "Did they teach you anything while doing experiments?" Gaz asked cautiously. Iris thought to herself for a moment then shook her head. "Not really, how to talk. They just fed me, let me shower, and sleep when they weren't doing experiments. I wasn't allowed to do much of anything." "Do you know how to read?" Price asked. "What's read?" Price smiled, feeling guilty for asking. "We'll talk about that kind of stuff later." he said softly. Iris nodded slowly and smiled timidly. "When do we leave?" Iris asked as she looked at Laswell. "Now." She smiled.

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now