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Iris sat in a padded room. The bright lights making the white on the padding all the more brighter. She searched her mind. The way that man spoke to her, his tone. It's so familiar yet she couldn't place it. 

Papa looked different. It confused Iris more. The feeling in that room, she couldn't pinpoint it. She looked over her body, it was plump in areas she hadn't remembered. Her skin was softer, gaining little color but it was noticeable to her. Probably not to anyone else. 

There was a knock, and Iris stood up, nervously. A man walked in and her chest tightened. He's familiar, too. "Hey, Iris." the man with the strange hair cut voice was soft, timid almost. A memory that wasn't hers flashed in her mind. 

"Wash?" Iris said then shook her head. "No! Soap!?" she shouted. Soap smiled, "Yeah, lass, it's me. You remember?" he asked. "Kind of... I know you but don't know where from. What am I doing here, what's going on?" she asked quickly. Soap held his hands up, "It's alright, we're trying to get it figured out. Do you remember anything else?" he asked. Iris thought for a moment, "Simon. Where is he?!" she shouted once more as Ghost's smiling face flashed in her head. Soap placed his hands on her arms gently, "He's fine. Price and Laswell are questioning Howard." Iris' throat began to ache, "Why is he here, what happened?" she asked as her memory slowly returned. 

After Soap explained to her what had happened in the last 24 hours, Iris grew more angry. "That mother fucker tried to..." she sighed, "it never fully worked before, I don't know why he'd thought it would now. Stupid bastard." she said angrily as her and Soap walked down the hallway. 

Once they arrive at the interrogation room, Iris tried to enter but Soap stopped her. "Can't go in yet, Price and Laswell want to talk to him first, then you can go in." he said calmly. Iris exhaled. "Fine," she said annoyed. 

Iris and Soap waited in a  small room that was near the room Laswell and Price were. "Are you going to tell me where Simon is now?" Iris asked quietly. "Ever since you lost your memory, he's been locked away in his room. Well, Price locked him in there. Two guards standing at his door. So he wouldn't kill the bastard." Soap smirked. 

I - Simon?

It was silent. 

I - Simon? Are you there?

Still quiet. Iris leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling, suddenly feeling tired. She closed her eyes. She slowly drifted off. 

"Papa please, don't!" Iris shouted. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" Iris was secured to the floor by a chain that was tight around her neck. She was in a square hole in the ground. "You'll come out when you've learned to behave!" he shouted as she slammed the trapdoor shut, cutting her off from the world and the light. She sat in complete darkness. No sounds, no lights, just her thoughts and her. She'd been down here a handful of times and all times had lasted longer than a few days. She was only a child, why was he doing this? How could he do this? I don't mean to be bad, maybe I just don't think. Or maybe I just don't know any better. 

"Iris!" Soap said louder, trying to wake Iris. Her eyes flew open and she was breathing heavily and covered in sweat. "You 'lright? You were talking in yer sleep, almost yelling." Soap said with his brows furrowed. Iris ran a hand through her hair, 'Uh, yeah." she took a deep breath, "just a bad dream." Soap nodded, "wanna talk about it?" he asked. Iris shook her head, "I'm fine, thanks though." she smiled timidly and sat back against the wall.

Price had finally emerged, smiling as he laid eyes on Iris. "Hey kid," he greeted. She returned a smile, "Hi, old man." she said as they embraced. "These boys rub off on you too easily. Look," he sighed, "he's not talking much more, we're going to go in again later. You can join us then. Why don't you go free that pissy bastard?" he grinned. Iris nodded and set off to Ghost's room.

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now