Quiet Conversations

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Makarov furrowed his brow and struck Iris in the face, drawing blood from her lip as it split. Iris laughed once more, "You're just making it more painful for you." Makarov grew more angry. "Shut the fuck up!" he lifted his leg, kicking her with all the rage and strength he had for her, knocking her to the floor. As Iris fell to the floor, the chair made a loud thud. Iris groaned as she hid the floor. Almost there. Iris smiled as she spit blood to the side. Makarov stood over her and kicked her once more. Makarov pulled his gun out, pointing it to her face. "Tired of that fuckin' mouth." he said through his teeth..

"You need to land now," Laswell said panicked through the radio. "What's happening, Kate?" Price asked urgently with a low tone. "Just get to that house, John!" she shouted. Price knew deep down there were endless possibilities of what could be happening to Iris, but two made his blood boil. He turned to Ghost, "Can she survive heavy gun fire?" he asked quickly. Can you survive heavy gunfire? "Laswell, did Iris nod?" Ghost said into the radio. "Affirmative." Ghost nodded quickly. Price stood and pounded on the walls, "Get us over the house." Price shouted to the pilot. He turned to the team, "Gaz you're on the mini, Ghost and Soap you're with me to breach the house. Get the lines ready to descend. Light it up until we get inside." Price said as he pointed to Gaz, slapping him on the shoulder. "What about Iris?" Soap asked hurriedly. "She'll be fine." Ghost smirked under his mask.

Makarov pulled Iris up by her collar, pulling her to sit right again. She began laughing once more, "You're so fucked." she shook her head as she grinned at him. Makarov laughed foolishly and kneeled in front of her, "You think I'm scared of your little boyfriend?" Iris swallowed a mouth full of blood, still grinning widely, "You should be." she said with a cocky tone. Makarov struck her once more, and pulled back to strike her again when he heard the blades of the helicopter outside and shouting from the men outside.

The walls and windows began to explode, sending shards of glass and wood flying through the air. The loud gun fire filled Iris' ears as she turned to face Konig's chair. She kicked him over, sending him to the floor harshly. His body made a loud thud as it hit the floor. Sorry, mein Freund. The walls around her continued to explode making Iris flinch as pieces of the house and furniture flew by her, some hitting her body harshly. A piece of wood fell from the ceiling, landing on top of her and sending her crashing to the floor roughly. Makarov's men fell to the floor one by one, blood spraying from the holes the debris and bullets created. Makarov took cover near the kitchen island, being hit with debris in the process. There was shouting from every direction; some using different languages and others just shouting for help. The house was slowly becoming just a pile of rubble from the rain of bullets, the loud purring coming from the gun filling the air along with the eruption of the walls. Makarov tried to demand his men return fire, but most of them had been torn apart by the heavy gun fire. And just as the bullets started flying, they stopped. Iris looked around, seeing only settling debris and dust and no movement from Makarov or his men. Pain suddenly radiated through her body. "Fuck.." she gasped through the pain. She heard a familiar voice shouting from outside, following a few gun shots. Price, she smiled.

"Iris, where you at, sweetheart?" Price shouted as he approached with his gun drawn, Ghost and Soap following him up what remained of the front steps. Iris coughed and spit out blood, "Right here." she said with a strained voice. "Keep an eye out for movement, Gaz." Soap said into the radio. "Got it." Gaz responded. Price, Soap and Ghost quickly approached Iris, who was still strapped to a chair and under a small pile of rubble. "Soap, get Makarov." Price demanded as he kneeled behind Iris. Ghost quickly uncovered her while Price untied her hands, she flopped to the floor, groaning into the floorboards. Ghost grabbed her arm to help her up but she stayed on the floor. "Come on, Iris." he said gently. "I-I can't.." she groaned as she turned over exposing the wounds in her body. There were two large holes, one in her leg and the other in her ribs, amongst other wounds. Ghost noticed her features were fading quickly. "I thought you said you could survive the heavy gun fire?!" Ghost shouted, throwing his gun to the floor and kneeling next to her. "I can. Someone must've shot me with a serum bullet." she struggled as she spoke. "Serum? What serum?" Price asked hurriedly. "I don't know," she took a deep breath, "But I'm not healing." she said quietly as she put a hand over her bleeding ribs. "Do you need to feed?" Price asked. Iris furrowed her brows and nodded. Ghost sighed as he shifted his sleeve to expose his wrist. "Are you sure?" Iris asked as she looked up at him. Ghost nodded, "Make it quick," he said gently, holding his wrist close enough to her face. Iris hesitated as she looked at Ghost, but carefully bit down. Ghost inhaled sharply, "Damn, I forgot how much it hurts." he said through his teeth. Though the initial bite had been painful, the act of Iris feeding felt calming, a feeling he had almost missed. He felt a warm bliss bloom through his body. Growing greedy of having bitter blood the past few years, she bit down harder for more, "Ah fuck," Ghost said louder, "Take it easy." After a moment, Iris pulled away. She smiled as her eyes turned back to the intoxicating hues Ghost had remembered. "Sorry."

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now