Going Back

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Iris sprinted towards Ghost, feeling a rageful mix of emotions overwhelmed her as she grew closer to him. She held her arms out, wrapping them quickly around his waist and sent them both to the ground violently. Ghost grunted harshly as their bodies collided and rolled a few yards away. Once they came to a stop, Iris' chest felt heavy, her breath difficult to catch. She glanced around as she laid on her back, seeing Ghost laying on his stomach to her right. "Simon?" she said quietly as she reached for him. His head snapped in her direction, his eyes still full of a murderous, black rage. He didn't respond, only pushed against the ground and went to his feet and dusted himself off. "Simon." She said once more, worry filling her tone as she tried to stand but Ghost brought his foot down and kicked her back to the ground. 

As a whine left Iris, Soap and Price's eyes narrowed on Ghost as anger swirled through them. Gaz still dazed, looked on in confusion. "What's going on?" Gaz asked as his vision still blurred. "Lt.'s lost his fuckin' mind." Soap said through his teeth. "Set him down," Price said as he pointed his chin to the ground, "I'll deal with the big bastard." Price and Soap lowered Gaz to the ground, and Price walked over to Konig. Soap approached Ghost and Iris carefully. "Lt. talk to me, what's going on?" he asked. Ghost didn't respond as he stood over Iris, breathing heavily with his fist balled at his side. 

S - Don't let him come near me. 

Iris looked at Soap as she gripped her torso, the pain radiating from Ghost's kick. She shook her head, a silent plea for him to keep a safe distance away from him. Soap took note of the gesture and stopped a good distance away from him, "Come on, you gotta talk to me." he said with a calmer demeanor. 

I - What's going on?

S - I'm not doing this.

I - What?

S - I can't control anything. 

I - Why not?

S - I don't know Iris!

I - Okay, try to stay calm. 

"He can't control it." Iris said as she stood up quickly and backed away just as quick. "Control what? His body?" Soap asked. "I guess," Iris shrugged her shoulders. 

I - Can you do anything? 

S - I don't think so... 

I - What's it feel like? I can't feel anything. 

S - It's like I'm watching from the back of my mind.

I - Fuck... 

S - What? 

I - I don't know what to do. 

S - I'm sorry I kicked you.

I - It's fine, it wasn't you.

"We need to get him back to the hospital and restrain him," Iris said as she circled around Ghost, keeping her eyes on Ghost, and stood next to Soap. "So it's not Lt. in there?" Soap asked. "No, it's him, he just can't control his body." Iris said. "That explains why he kicked you into the fuckin' dirt." Soap said with animosity in his tone. "Don't hold it against him, he didn't technically do it." Iris said softly. 

Price stood up after restraining Konig and giving him a dose of the serum to keep him unconscious, and placed himself between Iris and Soap. "Is there never an easy day?" he asked as he sighed. "We're not that lucky, sir." Soap responded, "How are we going to restrain him?" he asked as he looked to Price. A pained look was plastered on Price's face, "We have to either shoot him or do the same thing I did to Konig." Iris looked at Price quickly, "We're not shooting him." she demanded. "Well how are we gonna do it then? He about broke your fuckin' sternum." Price responded. Iris looked back to Ghost, his demeanor was on full defense and shook her head. "Dart gun?" she laughed. "I'm glad you see the humor in this, lass." Soap said as he shook his head. "Sorry," she quieted her laughed, "You guys can probably hold him down but it won't be for long." Iris suggested. "I don't know, I saw that kick." Price said. Iris rolled her eyes, "Fine, fuckin' shoot him then. Just avoid any major arteries and his face." 

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora