A Choice

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As Konig carried Iris away from the compound, Iris struggled to free herself from his hold. "Let me go! I want to stay here!" she said as she pushed against him. "You can't stay here," Konig said with growing agitation in his voice, "It's not safe for us." he finished. Even though Iris had be strong, Konig's grasp had felt a hundred times stronger than her, his grasp staying tight. "You haven't told me why it's not safe!" Iris fought once more, slapping Konig's back. "Why can't you just believe me?" he asked. "Because I've always felt safe with them," Iris' movements eased, "you don't know them like I do." she said as she rested her hand on her hand, propping it on Konig's back. "I don't understand why you want that beast." Konig spat out after carrying Iris for a while. "Because he doesn't treat me like this," Iris said through a scowl as she punched Konig's back as they go further away from the compound. Konig released a small laugh, "Doesn't sound like you have very high standards, Iris." he said as he shook his head. Iris sighed, her hair blowing over her face as she released her frustration. "I liked you better when you were nice," she scooped the remaining hair from her face, "like after we separated from Makarov..." Iris finished. Konig stopped walking, setting Iris down somewhat roughly, making her misstep before she steadied herself. "Thank you," Iris said with a sour tone as she flattened her ruffled clothes. "I can be that for you again, all you have to do-" Konig attempted to flatter her once more but Iris held an unimpressed hand up, "Don't bother. I don't want to hear it." she said coldly. She took a few steps away from him, taking in her surroundings. 

There was a small creek a short distance ahead of her, the gentle flow of the water giving her a subtle sense of serenity. Trees and bush scattered heavily through the area, boulders poking out of the ground for the mountain to start it's ascent above them just past the creek. Iris settled on a large rock that sat on the edge of the small water stream. She kicked her grey boots and black socks off, carefully dipping her feet in the cool water, flinching as her skin got used to the temperature. Konig approached her from behind, his footsteps making the anger swirl in Iris' more as he grew closer. Iris' eyes looked over her shoulders and rolled them. "Konig, can you give me some space?" she asked in a huffed tone. Konig shook his head, unseen by Iris, "Fine," he said as his shoulders relaxed in frustration. 

It was quiet, the birds singing their soft songs for their lovers and the gentle breeze scattering the brown leaves around them. Konig placed himself by the creekside a good distance away from Iris, though it annoyed him. Iris waved her feet through the water, thinking that Ghost would think her silly for doing so. 

I - Simon?

There was only silence in response. She considered running off but if he were stronger than her, he was sure to be faster than her.

I - Simon, please answer me. I need you... 

Back in the base, Ghost lay eerily still as Price, Soap and Gaz stood around him. "Is there any way to tell how long he'll be out?" Soap asked as he nervously bit at his fingertips. Price shook his head, "No, all we can do is wait until he wakes up or..." his words trailed off, not daring to speak the alternative into the air. "I don't think Iris meant for this." Gaz said as he gestured over Ghost's body that laid limp on the table. "She must've known there was a chance this would happen." Price said, his brows furrowing more as he looked down at his friend, making note of the small movements of his chest. "What do we do?" Soap asked as he relaxed his now subtly throbbing fingers, hugging his chest. "We go after Konig and Iris. Both are considered AWOL, both put Simon in this state. I don't want to think Iris went willingly?" Price questioned as he looked up. Gaz shook his head, "She didn't want to but," Soap interrupted, "We all but told her to leave." his face showed remorse as he thought back to his sour words to Iris. You've done enough. The regret ate at him as he shook his head. "Well," Price sighed, "until we know Iris' stance, she's considered hostile." he finished, hating the taste of the words as they left his lips. "We all know damned well what her stance is, Price." Gaz said with offence in his tone.

Experiment C-32 | Simon "Ghost" RileyWhere stories live. Discover now