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Just a little introduction.. I'm not a writer.. at all, really but I'm just doing this for my own entertainment and for fun, I do hope everyone enjoys, though! Feel free to let me know how I can improve or anything that you want added.

Also, I kinda like dragging out parts of a story a little, for example; avenged sevenfolds childhood, so I can involve events that m shadows and the others talked about.

I'm gonna try keep some things factual but I may switch some things up with the guys or how certain things happened.

Also included in this fan fic is mentions of: drug use, domestic abuse, heavy use of alcohol. If you're not comfortable reading about these, please don't read certain chapters. I will mention at the start of the chapter when these are included :)

Just to mention, the themes that are mentioned in the fan fic are made up as is the protagonist, Angel.

Sorry for rambling on.. enjoy :)

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