A7X first show & angels bad night.

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Just a heads up, the following few parts are going to contain domestic abuse, although it is fictional.

Starting the year 2000 off, My brother and his band, Avenged Sevenfold had written lyrics for a couple of songs and were getting ready to play at a gig for the first time. They would be playing alongside multiple new bands at a venue in long beach. Josh was still in the band and still my boyfriend...even after what he did. None of the guys were happy about it but at the time they really needed a bass player and josh was the only available one.

When we arrived at the venue, the guys were getting drinks to calm their nerves whilst backstage.

"Dude, I'm kinda nervous" Matt said with a nervous laugh.

"Me too, I'm sure we'll feel better after some time though. It's just because we haven't really performed before" Zack said, sipping his beer.

Matt paced back and forth in the room backstage, shaking his arms. I watched as he took a swig of beer before getting behind the curtains. It was their turn to go up and I placed a kiss on josh's cheek. He shrugged me off but gave a half smile. I didn't think anything of it, he always did that.

Brian looked at me before he went on stage and smiled at me. I shot him a confident smile back.

I heard Matt talking from on stage to the small amount of people that were there. "We're avenged sevenfold and the first song we're playing is our demo, lips of deceit.

"Matt was nervous, ofcourse, but they will do well. They always have." Valary spoke, fidgeting with her fingers.

I nodded "when they're up there, im sure their nerves will calm down as time goes on" I told her, kicking my feet up on a coffee table.

Matt and the others may have been nervous but the crowd was bound to like them. A new band with good looking members, they would especially be a hit with the girls.

Me and valary peeked our heads through the curtains a little, enough to watch the band play.

"The mark i breathe on you its burning through your soul" Matt screamed into the mic, although I could barely hear him over the drums.

When the song stopped, I heard the crowd whistle and cheer at them. It seemed like they were already liked by the audience. After they played the few songs they had left to play, they came backstage. Jimmy was jumping with his drumsticks in his hands "Dude, that was fucking awesome!!" He shouted excitedly.

I threw my arms around Jimmy. A smile grew on my face seeing how happy they all were. "You all did amazing!" I shrieked, hugging Jimmy tightly for a short moment.

Matt placed a kiss on valarys cheek and spun her around before coming over to me and giving me a hug. He roughed up my hair "thanks, sis" he smiled.

After talking to the rest of the guys I made my way over to Brian. "You did good out there" I smiled, hesitating before hugging him.

"Thanks ang" he said with a warm smile, hugging me back. When I pulled away from the hug I saw josh glaring at me. If he stared any harder he would've burned a hole in my chest. I sighed and went over to him.

"You did amaz-" I spoke before I was ignored. Josh rolled his eyes and walked away from me. I was confused.

Regardless of joshes behaviour, I was ready to get drunk. We took the little bit of money we earned from our first ever performance and made our way to our favourite bar, johnnys saloon. The owner knew us so he was bound to serve us drinks, regardless of our age.

"Who's ready to get shit faced?!" Johnny yelled, raising his arm in the air.

Voices could be heard yelling back in agreement. We grabbed some drinks and sat down at a table. Josh was oddly quiet and was sitting a short distance away from me. I scooted my way over to him, knowing that he was about to go off at me over someone or something.

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