Halloween- 1997 (part 1)

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Over the past year, Michelle got a boyfriend, who was my cousin in the same grade as Matt.. unexpected, I know. Valary and Matt were as good as ever and me and Brian were.. on and off, but it wasn't anything serious and ofcourse Matt didn't know anything. My younger sister, Amelia, who was still in middle school, was hanging out with us more often and her behaviour started to change, which ended in me and Matt getting blamed for it.

I had gotten highlights in my brown hair, which I persuaded my mom to let me get. Even though I felt good about my hair, I did NOT feel good about having to go to that hell hole of a school.

We got dropped off, earlier than usual and I jumped onto the wall as we waited for the others.

"Crazy that Michelle's with Daniel, right?" I said to Matt, who was fixing his shoe laces.

He looked up from his shoe "yeah, kinda. They're good together, though"

"Agreed" I said, looking at valarys mom pulling up to drop the girls off. "Finally" I sighed happily, waiting for them.

They greeted us and valary sat next to Matt, helping him tie his lace.

"He can't even tie his laces" I whispered to Michelle laughing

"And you can't even sit on a wall" Matt snapped back

I was confused because it made no sense until I asked "what?"

He quickly pushed me off the wall, luckily I didn't get too hurt. "Dick" I shouted, cleaning the dirt from my hands.

Brian and Jimmy arrived, just as I was getting up from the floor... embarrassing.

"Evangeline, what you doing on the ground?" Jimmy asked laughing as he plonked himself down on the wall.

"Ask asshole over there" I said pointing to matt

Matt just shrugged, playing dumb.

"So..." Brian started, sitting on the wall next to us. "My parents are going on vacation for a couple of days on Thursday night... so I'm thinking about throwing a party?" He told us, waiting for our input.

"Fuck yeah!" Jimmy yelled, getting excited.

"Yeah, that would be sick, especially for Halloween " Matt agreed, being just as excited as everyone else.

"Oh my god, I get to dress up?!" Val asked being excited, she loved costume parties, like the rest of us.

Despite the others agreeing, Brian turned to me "you coming?"

I was surprised he was only concerned about my thoughts on it but answered him regardless. "Wouldn't miss it" I smiled "oh and can my friends come?" I asked

"Ofcourse, we need a lot of people to turn up, anyway. Would be a pretty shit party with not many people" he told me then turned to the others "looks like we're doing it then, try get as many people as you can to come"

With that, I started asking my friends and almost everyone I could, to come to the party.
I hadn't been to a good party since like middle school, but obviously that was an age appropriate, classic pass the parcel and stick the tail on the donkey, bullshit party. one with no beer, smoking...just plain boring. I wasn't interested in anything like that anymore.
Or maybe I was just growing up too fast?

Later, after school, Brian and valary were at my place. We were hanging out in matts room listening to music.

"So...about friday. What are you guys gonna wear?" I asked aloud to everyone as I changed the record in the record player, to a new one.

"We were thinking about dressing up as vampires" valary spoke for her and Matt. "We still need costumes"

"I have no clue what to be this year" I sighed turning to Brian for some ideas

"Why don't you go for the scream movie theme, it only came out last year" Matt suggested as val gave him a look of approval.

"Oh my god, yeah!" I exclaimed looking at Matt "i wont be the only one with that idea, though. It'll be a popular choice" I explained

"I might do that, too" Brian told us, stealing matts idea. I was kinda hoping he would match with me, though.

"Copying me?" I asked chuckling, trying to act like I cared.

"Didn't think that was a problem, you know you want to match with me anyway" he laughed back, staring at me.

I could see Matt and Val turn to eachother and smile, through my peripheral vision. Seeming to notice Brian's "flirting".
Thankfully Matt and Val decided to leave. "We're... gonna go watch tv downstairs" Matt said suddenly, getting up and going towards the door.

"We'll just be downstairs" Val smirked to me as she and Matt left the room.

I cleared my throat and got up "we should go to the costume shop and buy the outfits, we can ask Matt and Val to go with us"

"Good idea" he said, standing up and following me downstairs.
"Me and Brian are gonna go to the costume shop, you guys coming?" I asked, pulling at the front door handle.

They agreed and got in matts car, since he could drive now. In the costume shop, valary and Matt bought their vampire outfits with some accessories and Halloween makeup. Me and Brian scanned the aisles until we found scream outfits. I threw some fake blood into the basket and payed at the counter.

"Is that all we need?" I asked, getting into the car. "What about alcohol?"

"Oh, my parents already bought that. They know about the party" he told me "they aren't so strict, after all"

"Yeah, you're hella lucky" Matt said "you know, his mom and dad always allow cool shit like this, to happen" he said, nudging me.

"Your dads a musician, right?" Valary asked, turning to the back of the car

"Yeah, my dads a guitarist, he teaches me guitar" he told, being understandably proud of his dad.

"So you wanna be a musician?" I asked, thinking that being the son of one, might make him want to pursue a career in music.

"Yeah, actually. That's my dream anyway.." he replied, looking out of the car window.

"I did have a thing for basketball, but I don't think it's for me, anymore. Me and Jimmy were actually on the basketball team when we started highschool, but we got kicked off it" Matt laughed "so I think musics for me, it always has been to be honest, I love music"

"Me too. I just have no talent" I awkwardly laughed "not until I practice more"

Brian looked at me getting the hint I threw his way, to help me with guitar again.

"Don't say that, I've heard you play and you're getting so good. Everyone starts somewhere, and you'll get there"valary told me, making me feel better. She always did have good advice.

I smiled at what she said "I know.. thanks Val"

"I'm ready for this fuckin party!" Matt said with a big smile as he hit the steering wheel with excitement.

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