Brian kissed WHO?!?!

18 1 6

I looked over in the kitchen, looking for Brian. He wasn't there. "I'll be a minute" I said aloud to everyone around me as I got up and made my way upstairs. I turned the door handle and nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see....

Valary had passed her driving test and we were going out for a drive, to the mall. It was already bad enough that me and Matt still weren't talking... but 7 people squashed in valarys parents suburban, made it worse. Me and Brian were at the very back of the suburban, due to the others taking up every other seat.

"Just focus on the road, babe" Matt told valary, from the passenger seat. She was visibly anxious, being her first time driving properly.

"I'm trying!" She spoke, grabbing hard onto the steering wheel.

"Personal cab driver?" I heard Johnny asked aloud, trying to make people laugh.

I leaned over the back of the car seats and slapped the back of johnnys head "just watch when you start driving, I'll be asking you to drive me places DAILY"

He whipped his head around to face me in the back of the car as he grabbed his head "violent, much?"
He then scoffed. "My car would be a no women zone" he shrugged.

Zachary raised his eyebrows at Johnny's statement "nah, dude. Imagine a car full of hot chicks from school"

Johnny nodded and whispered "and tits"

Zack cackled loudly, as did Brian and Jimmy. I nudged Brian playfully and rolled my eyes.

"I call shotgun in advance... for the backseat of that car!" Jimmy laughed, nudging Johnny a little too hard.

"Don't nudge him too hard or his small ass will fly out of the window" I retorted, tapping Jimmy on the shoulder.

Jimmy high fived me, seeming to like my joke. Johnny not so much "well atleast I have an ass"

"Woahhh" Matt intervened "valarys trying to drive here" he said, looking through the rear view mirror, to everyone who was holding their laugh in.

I laughed to myself, finding what he said funny. "Oh you want an ass, do you? Suspicious, Johnny..." I joked.

"I sure do" Johnny started, getting up so he could kneel on the seat.

I turned to Brian "I don't know if I should be scared about what's going to happen or..."

He turned to me with a confused face "me neither"

Johnny pulled his shorts down so he was mooning us "there we go, you motherfuckers" Johnny yelled over the laughs of the whole car.

"Gross" valary laughed, as she caught a quick glimpse of Johnny before focusing back on the road.

When we pulled up to the mall, valary parked up slowly in two parking spaces. "I'm parking here" she spoke "I won't be able to get parked between those two cars" she pointed, unbuckling her seatbelt.

Jimmy scoffed "I could fit a tank through there"

"Well when you have the money for a tank, let me know" Val said, rolling her eyes.

As the guys in the back seat got out, I hopped over the car seats and out of the door, closing it behind me. We headed inside the mall and bought some new clothes and shoes. When we were done shopping, we went out to grab some food. That is when we saw michelle. She wasn't with Daniel but she was with another guy, kissing him.

"Oh shit, do you see that?" I asked, tapping Brian's arm multiple times and putting my food down on the table.

"Michelle and another guy? What the fuck.." he spoke, not believing what he was seeing.

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