Warped tour- 1999

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Ever since I caught Brian and Michelle together, I hadn't spoken to either of them. Not properly anyway. Even the others still held a grudge. Brian had constantly tried to explain but I didn't let him and regardless of the tension, he still spent time with us every day. Michelle on the other hand, could care less whether we had spoken to her or not. The whole argument with Michelle and Brian brought me and Matt closer again, which I was thankful for.

Amelia had almost completely changed. She was scarily alike me. She had been hanging out with us for a while now and she was never not with us. The funniest thing about it, was that she had a crush on Zack...

Matt and Jimmy had suggested starting a proper band many times but this time, they were serious about it. Johnny and Brian were the only ones not keen on dropping out of school to join it, so they didn't. However, Zack and Jimmy agreed. Jimmy was already in a band with Brian, pinkly smooth, and had been for a while now, though it wasn't full time.

"So you want the band to be called avenged sevenfold?" Asked Jimmy, tapping his pen on the paper he was writing on.

I turned to Matt who nodded "I found it during Bible study. it's cool, right?" He asked, shrugging.

"I think it's cool" Zack agreed "looks like that's our band name"

"Alright then!" Jimmy smiled, jotting down the new band name on his paper. He flung his notebook to the side and kicked his feet up on the table "we just need a bass player"

"bass player..." I mumbled, thinking to myself "how about.."

"Josh graham!" Me and Jimmy said simultaneously followed by a shared look of shock. Jimmy smirked "good minds think alike"

I smiled back then turned to Zack who was about to talk. "Isn't he that guy in our year?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, I think so..." Matt nodded "I'm pretty sure he was in our music class" he spoke

"Let me message him" zach said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and searching for a means of contacting josh.

Zack sighed "don't have him.. thought I did"he shrugged, putting his phone down beside him.

Matt and Jimmy both looked at eachother with an upside down smile. "I'll do it" I said, getting my phone out and messaging him.

Me: heyyy, josh? strange of me to message out of no where but... my brother was wondering if you wanna join a band? :/

2 minutes later...

JoshGraham: hey angel XD, I mean sure? I've been trying to get into a band anyway.

Me: great! you can come over whenever you're free.. we're here rn but don't forget your guitar XD

JoshGraham: Omw :)

"He's down" I informed the others, turning my phone off. "he's coming over"

"Cooool, we're finally getting somewhere" Matt said showing some excitement. He'd always been passionate about music, so this was what he was hoping for.

After not long, the door of the garage opened and out stepped josh. He was wearing baggy jeans, held up by a black studded belt and a band tee. His hair was spiked up by a shit load of hair gel too.

"Sup guys" he smiled, walking up to everyone and greeting them, which they did in return. He then turned to me "and..."

"Angel"  I answered, smiling awkwardly.

"my bad" he chuckled, placing his bass guitar down "matts foul mouthed sister, right?" He teased.

"Never heard anything so correct" Jimmy laughed, followed by Matt.

Falling for my brothers best friend..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang