2nd november 1997

14 1 0

~Yeah... this is a LONG chapter
I was straightening my hair in preparation for my "date" with Brian at the movies. Matt burst through my door "ang, listen to this-" He asked, throwing himself at my bed and looking at me "where you going?"

I put my straightener on my vanity and looked at him through the mirror "oh.. just the movies"

"With who?" He asked nosily "is it... Briannn?" He cooed

"Mind your business" I laughed "anyway.. show me what you wanted me to hear" I said, twirling my chair around so I could face him.

He started playing his guitar, showing me a new riff that he had come up with.

"That's sick" I smiled "and you came up with this on your own?" I asked sceptically.

He narrowed his eyes at me "yeah, I'm not so dumb after all" he chuckled.

"Clearly" I replied, checking the time on my phone and grabbing my purse "could you drop me off at the movies, please?" I asked sweetly.

He agreed and we left the house to head to the movies. When I got there, and when Matt left, I met up with Brian at the entrance and we got our tickets.

"I'm starving.. you want some popcorn?" He asked me as we were getting snacks. I nodded "won't say no to that"

We got in and sat at the back of the room. We were going to watch a horror movie, as always. "Try not to shit yourself" I said to Brian, laughing, as the movie started.

"If anyone is going to, it's you" he laughed, nudging me playfully and putting his arm around me.

Brian looked down at the bucket of popcorn "this is to share, you know" he chuckled, noticing I hadn't eaten any yet.

I heard a voice from near us speaking in a high pitched tone. They said "I'll have some popcorn"

I turned quickly to the row of seats across the room from us. "Who the fuck was that?" I mumbled

He shrugged "someone who really wants popcorn, clearly"

I brushed it off and turned my attention back to the movie.

"Thanks for our date" the voice said again in the same tone, followed by two giggles.

"Yeah..." I turned to Brian, raising my eyebrows"someone's fucking with us"

"I have some names in mind" he said, eating some popcorn from the bucket.

"Johnny, you dick!" I heard coming from a familiar voice, followed by a bang.

I turned my head quickly to the row across and was met with the grin from Johnny. Someone else who's face I couldn't see, was picking up the phone that they dropped on the floor. When he popped his head up, it was Zacky.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes "here we go.."

Johnny and Zacky hurried over to the seat next to us, spilling their popcorn everywhere. "You'll just love the picture we got" Johnny laughed, grabbing zackys phone. Zacky furrowed his brows at johnny "you could've broken my phone, you dick"

"Im glad that it's not broken, because we wouldn't have such a romantic picture" johnny replied, smirking.

"If you've lonely, just say that" Brian said, jokingly.
"Oh I'm not" johnny smiled, putting his arm around Zacky "double date"

I held my laugh in and ignored him, continuing to watch the movie that I missed 10 minutes of, due to the date police.

I didn't watch for long as zacky kept making over exaggerated kissing noises. "I love you, angel" he said in a high pitched voice, throwing himself onto Johnny and kissing his cheek, multiple times.

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