Blackout drunk

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The next day, we were at the park, smoking, drinking.. you name it.

"Shit" I exclaimed as I crushed the last can in my hand "that's the last beer"

"Well" Jimmy started, slapping his knee and standing up "we need to go to the store then"

"I need snacks anyway" Matt told, also standing up

"Me too" Brian added

"We might aswell all go" valary laughed, holding her hand out for her sister, Michelle.

I brushed the dirt off my jeans and got up.
We walked to the local store, on the way I was in the mood to fuck around with people so I pushed Johnny into a ditch at the side of the road.

"You bitch!" He exclaimed, falling face first but managing to save himself with his hands.

Everyone noticed and started to laugh simultaneously.

"Watch your step, Seward" valary giggled

I laughed before helping him up "sorry, I tripped"

"Yeah,right" Johnny rolled his eyes "I'll get you back"

"Save me, god" I said looking at the sky, sarcastically.

When we arrived at the store, Matt and Brian headed inside to buy snacks. When they came out Matt spent all of the money my mom gave him, and his hands were full of chips and chocolate.

"Ooh" I said, reaching for some chips.

"Hands off" Matt proclaimed, smacking my hand out of the way so I couldn't steal his food.

Valary laughed and pointed at matt with his hands full "someone's hungry"

He gave a packet to valary and turned to me grinning cockily, so I flipped him off.

"Who's got money?" Jimmy asked aloud

"Not me" I said, searching my Jean pockets

Matt looked down at his handful of snacks "well if you told me-"

"It's fine" Jimmy said with a mischievous grin before he entered the store. i followed.

Jimmy was scanning the beer aisles and I was looking for snacks, even though I had no money.
Suddenly I heard Jimmy shout "RUNNNNN!" As he flung the door open, holding a crate of beers.

I froze for a moment but grabbed stuff from the shelves and made a run for it, the store owner running a second behind me.

When I left, everyone was now running. Matt even dropped some stuff as he was. I was in sync with Jimmy,running, and as I looked back to where the store owner was, he was shaking his fist at us and shouting something inaudible.

Me and Jimmy got back to the park as the others did, seconds later. I threw my snacks on the ground and tried to regain my breath.

"What the fuck, Jim" Brian laughed, looking at Jimmy for an explanation.

Everyone was laughing hysterically because it was so unexpected. But then again, you have to expect anything and everything when friends with James Sullivan.

Jimmy held the beers in the air "acquired"

Everyone was having their own individual conversations, I was kinda out of it. It was my first time being that drunk.

I laid back, resting my head on the grass and just looking up at the sky. I really started to think that I had feelings for Brian, now. We had know eachother for about two years at this point. Two years of hanging out around eachother, almost every day. I wasn't sure about how he felt, to me I was only his friends, little sister... right?

Falling for my brothers best friend..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin