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"Kids! get ready for church!" my mom yelled from downstairs, up to me, Matt and our younger sister Amelia.
Me and Matt were only a year apart but me and Amelia were two years apart.

It was a Wednesday, and although we weren't a very religious family, my mom always wanted us to attend church with all the other neighbours and their kids.

I quickly threw on my clothes and makeup and jogged down the stairs. As I hurried down, I could hear Matt following shortly behind me. With the door left open, i signalled him to hurry to the car as we were about to be late.

My mom turned to look at me at the back of the car as I got in, lifting her sunglasses slightly. "You don't need that much makeup,to go to church"

"It's only a little bit of eyeliner, mom" I protested, checking my makeup in my compact mirror

As Matt got in the car, he asked, sulking in the back seat "We aren't even religious.. why do we need to go?"

My mom turned to the back seat, with furrowed brows  "because..Matthew, everyone in the neighbourhood does and I think it'll be best for us, it's respectable"

Matt knew it was best to just agree, otherwise he'd get an ear full of constant shouting, which would ruin the whole day. "Mhm" he mumbled as he looked out of the window.

At the church, during the singing part of the ceremony, my mom attempted to whisper to my dad "Sullivan is wearing.. THAT to church?" She shook her head in disbelief

I turned to where Jimmy was,sitting at the back away from his parents, and gave him a smile . He was wearing a slayer t-shirt with his long black hair covering his face. He did not look like he wanted to be there, but neither did I.

I turned back to my mom who was leaning in, whispering to my dad "I like what he's wearing, it's cool"

"Me too" Matt agreed, also intruding their conversation.

Jimmy was our neighbour, who we knew for years. He was also one of matts best friends. Mine too, considering I was friends with every one of matts.

My mom narrowed her eyes at me "Evangeline, don't be listening in"
I didn't like it when people called me by my full name. I preferred "angel" and that's why my mom was calling me it...to show that she was serious.

I slouched in the chair, being annoyed, and joined in with the singing. I deliberately sang bad to piss everyone off, especially because I didn't want to be there.
Matt chuckled as he heard me singing and joined in, which made my mom hit us with her purse.

After the ceremony, parents were still in church.. socialising, I guess. Me and my siblings joined Jimmy at the back.

"Hey Jim" I smiled as I sat down next to him, with my sister following me. Matt also doing the same.

He smiled at us and began to say "my mom always brings me back here, thinking it'll change my "behaviour"... ridiculous" he laughed

"Yeah...mine too" Matt sighed, looking at Jimmys shirt "I have the same one!" He pointed at the word that read "Slayer"

"No way!" Jimmy responded, being just as excited.

They began talking about their favourite bands, like they always did and I listened in, I also got into liking the metal and rock genre, as my brother and his friends always played it.

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