10th december 1999

23 1 1

Since our parents had basically let us turn our garage into a shitty recording studio, the guys had been trying to produce lyrics for songs. They were all talented enough to do so. None of them were strangers to writing, they had all been in bands before they created one together and Jimmy had a crazy imagination.

Jimmy was tapping his drumsticks on his legs, humming along to a random song on a stool. Matt and valary were working on some lyrics in the corner of the room.  Zack and Johnny were  doing their own thing.

I pulled myself onto the arm of the couch, watching josh play along with his bass guitar. We had grown closer. So close that he had asked me to be his girlfriend. I was nervous to be in a relationship as my past ones weren't so serious. Brian didn't even bother asking me to be his, probably because he was too busy eating Michelle's face off.

everything was as normal as it usually was until I heard shouting from outside. One of the voices was that of my younger sister, Amelia.

"Fuck you, bitch!" I heard her yell from behind the garage door.

Everyone in the room turned to eachother slowly before getting up. Matt hit the garage button, watching the door raise. There was my sister and two more people that looked around about the same age as her. There was a boy and a girl standing opposite her.

"Stay away from my boyfriend you bitch!" said the blondie, wearing a pink tracksuit.

"what the fucks going on?" I asked, making my way to my sister.

"Your sister is a slut" said the boy, laughing under his breath.

"you fucking what?" I heard Matt ask, standing next to me and clenching his fist.

I watched as Amelia stepped closer to the girl "now why on gods earth, would I want your boyfriend?" she asked, looking the guy up and down.

"seems like you do, but don't get your hopes up sweetie. He sure as shit doesn't want your emo ass" the girl growled.

that's all it took for my sister to swing at her. she bit her cheek before taking a big swing at the girls face.

"Woahhh" Johnny laughed, running up to watch the fight with his phone in his hand "I'm not missing this for anything!" he said, covering his mouth with his hand to hide his grin.

I shoved Johnny in his chest "I'll shove Jimmys drumstick so far up your ass that you won't be able to sit properly for weeks" I warned, widening my eyes at him. Johnny went white, grabbing his ass "wouldn't want that ma'am!"

I looked away from Johnny to see the girls boyfriend take a sly punch at Amelia, while she had turned the other way. Hell no. This set Matt off. He threw himself at the guy and landed a couple of punches to
his face.

"Stay away from my fucking sister you dick!" he spat, kneeling down so he could get in his face.

Valary pulled matts arm to separate him from the, now bleeding, guy. "Matt, stop!" She cried out

"Well you just got fucked up by an emo bitch then" my sister laughed in the girls face.

I burst out laughing at what my sister said. To be honest I didn't expect anything less from her. She sure knew how to fight, taught by the best.

The guy and his girlfriend hurried off. They we're probably embarrassed that they had just been finished by my brother and sister.

Brian strolled along just as the fight ended, holding Michelle's hand. "woahh never thought I'd see Amelia in a cat fight" he laughed, watching the others run off.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Amelia's hand, taking her inside. The nerve Brian had to bring HER to MY house??

The others went silent when Michelle was seen with brian. They knew i still hadn't spoken to them properly since and I didn't plan on doing so.
I had a feeling that Brian was only with Michelle because he was jealous that I was in a relationship. I didn't give a shit though, he didn't make the effort of asking me to be his girlfriend so why would I care?

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