Halloween-1997 (part 2)

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It was the night of the party and I was at Brian's house with valary and Matt, getting dressed for the night.

"You think I look a bit silly?" I asked, twirling around to show valary my outfit.

"No!" She chuckled "it's Halloween after all, you look good.. you never know, you might see some hot guys tonight" she said, looking in the mirror and finishing her makeup.

She didn't know how I felt about Brian yet, to be honest I didn't want to see some "hot guys" unless they were Brian..

I turned to her, fiddling with my fingers because I was nervous to tell her. "I- I think I like Brian.." I told her

She turned around and put her makeup brush down "oh my god! I knew it" she said excitedly "are you gonna tell him?"

"I don't know.. it'll be awkward if he doesn't like me back" I told her with an upside down smile

She shook her head "I'm sure he does, you know how boys get.. they don't like talking about their feelings" she shrugged

Matt burst through the door with Brian "we look sick!!" He exclaimed, almost spilling the drink he had in his hand.

I turned to them "you do!, lemme take a picture of you and vallll" I pleaded, grabbing the camera on the side table.

He nodded and put his arm around valary. Brian stood behind me, looking at the screen as I snapped a couple of pictures of them. "Now kiss!" Brian said, laughing.

Matt laughed also but kissed her enthusiastically, which caught her by surprise. I turned to Brian with raised eyebrows "you didn't think he'd do it infront of us, huh?" I chuckled

Valary went red but looked at the pictures, regardless, before taking the camera from my hand and turning the lens to face me "you and Brian, now" she smiled

I looked at Brian awkwardly "there's really no need-"

"Sure" Brian cut me off, smiling for the camera and putting his arm around me.
I glanced at his arm, being surprised and posed for the picture.

After she showed us the pictures, we heard knocks at the door. "That'll be the others" Brian clapped his hands together before leaving the room and jogging down the stairs and opening the door.

"GUESS WHOS HERE MOTHERFUCKERS!!" Jimmy yelled as he bombed through the door

I jogged down the stairs "THERE HE IS!" I said before laughing "tonight's gonna be fun"

More guests started to arrive, until the house was full of people. Some from school, some from the neighbourhood and some who we didn't know at all.

I grabbed a bottle from the counter and poured a drink for myself and brian "thanks for inviting me bri" I smiled, passing him his cup.

"Of course, I wouldn't not invite you" he chuckled, lifting his cup up and toasting it with mine before drinking it.

"Even thought I'm matts annoying sister?" I asked, tilting my head at him

"Annoying... yes" he started but I stopped him by hitting his arm jokingly.

"I'm joking" he laughed, pulling me for a side hug and looking around his packed house "Jesus, it's full in here.. didn't expect so many people"

I followed his gaze "well you did say it would be a shit party with barely any people"
Jimmy popped up and hugged us both "did someone say a shit party?.. this is great I LOVE IT" he yelled, taking Brian's cup and drinking it.

Brian laughed "help yourself, I guess"

I noticed Michelle and my cousin Daniel, walking through the door. I ran up to them "Daniel! Been a while!"

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