Future stories🥀

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Hi everyone!

Release date for Dark Temptation below👇🏻

This is the order concerning my next works regarding the world of Dark Love:

1. Logan Rivera

🤍 8 more parts remaining since it's a short story
🤍 It's basically a telling of Logan's childhood and how his grew up in his perspective, from the age of 8 up until 22.
🤍 It will include scenes from Dark Love between Logan and Sera in Logan's perspective.

2.1.  Dark Temptation

🩷 A sequel to Dark Love
🩷 It will be set one year after Logan gets out of prison, so four years after the end of Dark Love.
🩷 Release date: June 2024

2.2. Dark Love (edited)

❤️ While I write Dark Temptation, I'll be releasing an edited version of Dark Love bit by bit.
❤️ "Edited" won't mean "Re-written" it will essentially be the same, just grammar, punctuation, spelling and structure will be fixed.
❤️ Another slight change will include removing some cringe scenes and perhaps changing some wording.
❤️ This version will just generally be easier to read and less cringe haha.
❤️ The reason why I don't just edit the current version – all inline comment will be lost

3. Hidden Love

💜 A spin-off book about Gabriel.
💜 It's a college romance, set one year after Logan when to prison, so it occurred before the events of Dark Temptation.
💜 I can predict there being about 40 chapters, more or less.
💜 Will be released after the completion of Dark Temptation.


Let me know if you have any questions!

Ciao x

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