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Ashanti POV.
I had just woken up from my sleep. I entered my shower and took a long bath. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body, my phone had vibrated so I decided to check it, I had two texts one from Bree and another from my boss.

Bree: girl im coming over tonight.

Boss: Get to work you're late!

I hurried myself and put on my nurse outfit and my shoes, I applied a little make up and rushed to work. I'm the head nurse at my job and I'm soon to be promoted to doctor in a month. I graduated college 2 years agao and I tried to get Bree to also but she dropped out because of her personal reasons. Now my friend Brianna is a trouble maker, she follows the bad crowd, she's killed about 5 people because of her boss and I tried to help her stop but she wouldn't.

I drove down the road and pulled up to John Hopkins Hospital. I walked in and was greeted by my assistant Adam.

"Hello beautiful today you have 10 patients, 20 paperwork, and a few meetings with the health association" he said with a wink.

"Okay thank you Adam I have big schedule today"

"Your meeting is at 5, paperwork at 2, patients right now."

"Okay i'll go right now." I said and entered the doubled doors.

Jordan POV.
I woke up to my alarm dinging because it was 7:30. I read my text and it was from the boss.

Boss: hurry up and get down here you have to make a drop and do it quickly I dont like waiting!

I quickly got dressed in all black and headed to the trap house.

A few while later I pulled into the trap house and stepped in.

"You're 10minutes late next time I'll end your life understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright now you have to go make the drop and you're doing it with a partner"

"WHAT A PARTNER?! NO BOSS YOU KNOW I WORK ALONE!" I replied. He smacked me.

"Never raise your voice at me. Now if I say you're working with someone you're working with someone. I have everything set up at the station. Bree is there with the man and she's stalling him all you do is sneak in and grab the money leave the drugs and steal and extra money and get rid of whoever is in your way."

"Okay sir"

"Legend get out here" he said. A tall light skin guy came out from the corner, he had tatoos everywhere.

"Whose this?" We both asked in unison.

"I'm Anthony but call me Tony or legend"

"Did I ask?" I said

"Yes you did"

"Whatever smart one, I'm Jordan"

"..." we dapped each other.

"The duffle bags are over there, do the drop and bring back my money I'll give you some if you do the drop quickly and correctly."

"Okay" we said and walked out.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Getting in my car" he replied.

"No we're taking my car"

"Says who"


"No my cars cooler"

"Whatever lets go" I said and entered his car.

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