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    Jordan does the most. Its been two days since our interaction and he's been on a good behavior.

I was currently in the living on my phone when I got an incoming call from Anthony.

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hey bree...listen im sorry about everything I did but im trying to make it better, can you please fogive me?"

"Anthony what you did was wrong and I cant forgice you easily" I heard him sigh.

"Fine if you wont forgive me then at least agree to come to dinner with me"

"What? No!"

"Brianna im trying to apologize please just go with me"

"Okay" I gave in

"Alright i'll be over by 8, I love you"

"I Love you too" I hung up.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!" I screamed with excitement. Im so happy!

I hurriedly got up and ran into the bathroom to shower.


I was currently putting on my dress (in the mm).

After I put on my dress I put on makeup and grabbed my clutch.

Anthony had texted me that he was in the driveway so I walked downstairs, turned on the security system because no one was there. Jordan wasnt here, he said he had 'business' to take care of.

   I was sitting in my car checkin my list making sure everything was set for me and Bree.

I looked up and my eyes instantly met Bree's body. My girl was rocking that red dress. I kept staring and I swear I was drooling.

I unlocked the door and she sat down.

"Hey" I spoke up.

"Hey Anthony"

"You look nice "

"Thanks but compliments wont help this alnost soon to be ended relationship" I sighed

"Bet Bree after tonight you gonna love me all over again and thats a promise" she smiled amd held my hand

"I want us to go back to old times but what you did really did hurt me Anthony"

"I know and I apologize babe" I pecked her soft lips and pulled out the drive way onto the road.

Tonight im gonna show my lady love.


We pulled up into the restaurant parking lot. I got out the car and walked around and opened Brianna's door.

"Anthony where are we?"

"A restaurant" I said in a duh manner.

I held her waist and we entered the restaurant. When we entered all eyes were on us. I ignored the haters and looked at the stage. They had it for entertainment.

"Wow! This place is gorgeous Anthony"

"I know ma" I smiled.

"Welcome may I take you to your table?"

"I made reservations for twl under Anthony A." I spoke

"Oh yes!" She lead us to an isolated table in the corner with a great view of the stage.

The waiter came and took our order and we are currently talking.

"This was so sweet of you Tony,  but this doesnt change the fact that you hurt me emotionally and mentally."

"Brianna I know what I did was wrong...and I truly feel stupid for thinking with my dick instead of the brain God gave me. I really love you and im sorry. Tonight im going to prove it"

"And how's that?"

"And now Anthony singing his own hand written song!" the lady said loudly on the mic. Bree looked at me with a confused look.

"Anthony what have you been up to?" She asked.

"Lets find out" I got up and headed towards the stage.

    He walked on the stage and took the mic from the lady.

"Um...sup, im Anthony and im here with my gorgeous and wonderful lady Brianna.

Now I know there arent alot of perfect niggas out there but every girl needs a man close to that and I for once am not perfect. I hurt my lady in a way that is private and I cant speak about it but I did. I feel really bad about it so I wrote this song to my lady and every girl out there and its called 'You Deserve'"

The beat dropped and he began singing and lord good looks was not the only thing he had...honey got a voice.

'Girl I know that sometimes I mistreat you
   And you still come back
And I see your home girls try to reach you
But you aint hearing none of that
   They try to frt through they say I aint the move
I dont know girl cause it might be true
  When they tell you to walk away but you still say anyway
  Girl I think its best for me to say this I aint no good
   And your heart aint something I should play with so lets get it understood
   I aint trying to ruin your life if anything I just want to make it right
   And  tell the judge I aint even gotta plead my case
  I can tell my baby to her face
...and you aint gotta have no fear ill always be here for you

  ...but im just saying you deserve better you deserve better.'

I instantly started crying, because I understand the song, I just cant believe he took his own time and wrote a song for me.

I got up and walked to the stage. I gave him a big hug.

"Baby I forgive you!" I said with tears smearing my makeup.

"Thanks babe" I leaned in and gave im the biggest and longest kiss ever.

"Wow you never kissed me like that before" he spoke.

"Lets go home, I want us to spent the rest of this night together privately" I pulled him off the stage with cheers booming after us and walked out the restaurant.


After 20 minutes of driving we were finally home and I missed this place, Jordan wasnt Anthony.

"Bree you know im sorry"

"Anthony I told you I forgive you like 10 times, all through the ride here." He smiled and pecked my lips.

"I know" he said.

We were currently watching 50 shades of Gray and the sex scenes were showing. I looked at Tony and his face was priceless. He groaned.

"Babe..." he called

"Im horny, like the real horny I need your pussy ma, I went 2 weeks days without it" I laughed a little.

"I cant just give up the pussy you gotta catch it." I hopped off the couch and ran.

"BREE THIS AINT FUNNY MAN! COME ON REAL QUICK ONE?!" He begged while chasing me. I turned around and was pinned on the wall real quick.

"I don' told you about playing with my emotions" he kissed my neck, then bit it softly. I let out a low moan.

"But its funny"

"Yeah and the way your face is gonna look when I have you bent over is gonna be funny too" he picked me up and we entered the room.

He dropped me on the bed and got over me. He quickly undid his pants and pulled my boy shorts off also.

"Fuck Anthony fuck me good" I soflty spoke. He smirked and entered me in a qucik motion.


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