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    A few days have passed since Anthony's birthday and the whole me being pregnant thing was told. You can hardly see my baby bump but its not that major. I havent told anyone about it except Anthony. I may let ashanti and my family members know after we find out the sex. Hopefully their happy because my father hates my decisions. Since I was a little girl he's always hated what I chose to do or how I do it. Now that im pregnant I'm afraid to see his reaction.

I was laying down on to the bed watching tv and scrolling through my laptop looking at baby clothes. Even though we dont know the sex I an just hoping for a boy, I have the perfect name for him.

"Ooh I am so getting that!" I said tapping on the screen.

"Bree babe you here!" I heard Anthony yell from down stairs.

"Yeah im coming!" I got got off bed abd walked with my small baby bump on me, this thing may be small but its heavy.

I made it down stairs and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you" I said and pecked his lip.

"I missed you too" he pulled back and rubbed my little bump.

"Hows my lttle person doing?" He asked rubbing my stomach

"Anthony stop that tickles" I giggled and stepped back.

"Sorry ma, im hungry whats here to eat?"

"Food" I waddled into the kitchen opening the refrigerator.

"Brianna do mess with me, ima have your tail bent over in a quick second" I smirked and oulled out the frozen chicked and vegetables.

"Yeah sure, I'll make your food go freshen up" I kissed him ine laat time and began wash the chicken. This stomach is gonna be the end of me it hurts my back.

     I was in the shower smiling, jm so happy I got a lady like Brianna I never thought this would happen.

I stepped out the shower and wiped myself off. I slipped on some sweats and left shirtless, Im not a big fan of covering my body I mean if you have a sexy body show it. I walked into the kitchen and took a seat as I watched Brianna move around the kitchen.

"How was your day?" She asked

"It was ok, some females tried to get with me but I showed them I have a queen at home." She blushed

"Boy sure" she sat my plate down aling with hers and took a seat. We sais grace and dug in.

"Mmh Bree this food the bomb!"

"Thanks I try"

"Try more often I could get used to eating like this"

"Sometimes I worrty about you" she bit her chicken.

"So how's the whole being pregnant thing working? "

"Oh my goodness it is horrible! My back my legs my stomach everything hurts!" I chuckled

"Wow ma"

"That aint even funny try carrying a 20 pound object on your stomach! "

"The baby aint even form yet though Brianna"

"Exactly!" She yelled, I just ignored and ate my delicious chicken.


"La'Shante is this all the information you got on him!?" I asked

"Yeah I couldnt get inti the system he got everything blocked"

"Well well well he must be hiding something then"

"Yeah and we need to find out."

"Bet, now gimme some head"

"Okay daddy" she got on her knee's and got to work.

"Yeah we can meet up for lucnh but I have clients right now Adam"

"Okay babe" he kissed me and walked off.

"Yes John hopkins how may I help you?" I spoke into the phone

"Alright ma'am he'll be fine his head just hurts give him a pain medication and if it doesn't help bring him here okay"


"By ma'am" I hung up and amswered another call.


"Anthony we jist ate im tired I just wanna chill!" I cried

"Brianna come on just a quickie" he pulled up my shirt.


"Brianna I know you want it" he got ontop of mebon the bed

"No I don-" he crashed his lips with mine and I gave in wrapping me arms and legs aroumd him.

"Just a quickie alright?" He asked

"Alright" he undressed me and him self.

"Mmh Anthony" he kissed my collarbone goimg down.

He made it to my stomach and licked my little bump.

"This gonna be fun ma" he opened my legs and slid his tounge in.


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