problems and piercings

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The minute I opened my eyes I was greeted with the familiar sound of rain plopping against a window. I brought my hands up to my eyes and rubbed until I saw stars before I set them down and scrunched the sheets between my fingers. When I was fully awake I just stared at the soft lumps that were my feet under the covers. It took a minute for me to realize that I wasn't in Paris anymore. I sighed. We were all back in Florida after nine long days of vacation. I was just glad that today was Saturday and that I didn't have to go back to school for another two days. Except even though I didn't want to fully admit it, I kind of missed school. I might regret thinking that the moment I walk through the door but oh well.

It was pretty early in the morning (and by early I mean ten) due to my seriously screwed up, jet-lagged sleep schedule. I could probably go in for work if I really wanted to but I did tell my boss that I would be gone for eleven days. What's two more days away from my favorite place on Earth? Besides I may as well continue my vacation here at home. I still had Monte's portrait I could watercolor... though that didn't sound all too appealing at the moment and I didn't even have watercolors. I'd have to go to JoAnne's to get some, which is the place I just agreed to avoid. I could always ask Sienna and Violet if they wanted to have a girl's beach day or something. I wouldn't mind getting a little pink or just relaxing in the shade. I sort of missed the warm Florida weather and since it was nearing the end of March, the temperature would be rising soon.

I unplugged my phone from the charger on my nightstand and called Violet first.

"Hey stranger. Long time no talk. What are you up to today?" I asked when she picked up after a few rings.

"Helping Lucky babysit while Monte and Louis are out having breakfast or brunch or whatever. They failed to mention what time they would be back so I'm stuck here. I should've tricked Louis into coming here to help so that Lucky and I could go out," she rambled on.

"Oh... that sucks dude. I mean those little blonde balls of energy shouldn't be too bad if you just pop in a chick flick and paint their nails or something," I offered, trying to hide my disappointment.

"Yeah I'm not really sure if they're into that but I could give it a shot," Violet mulled the idea over.

"If all else fails have them paint Lucky's nails instead," I joked, fiddling with a string on my comforter.

Violet snorted, "Don't encourage him. Last time they painted his nails he had cotton candy fingers for a month- with sparkles."

I laughed, "I'll have to save that dirt on him for later."

"Hey punk I gotta go, Lucy is currently trying to cut Lola's hair," Violet said and I could hear her trying to reprimand the two.

"Twins will be twins. But okay, I'll talk to you later. Tell Piper I said hi," I smiled and was about to hang up the phone.

"Oh yeah! That reminds me, she wants you to come babysit soon because-"

"I need to continue my drawing lesson I started and repaint her nails black. I remember," I removed the covers from my legs as I continued to talk.

"Yeah," she breathed out, "you and your mini-me."

"What can I say?"

"You corrupt all, Luna," I could picture Violet shaking her head.

I laughed, "Bye Vi."

"Bye Luna-tic."

"You're ridiculous."



Violet giggled, "Bye!"

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