Chapter 3- Him

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Note: Some mentions of ab*se

Marinette's POV

"I' sorry...for...being...late." I pant in front of Alya. She laughs and pulls me inside her house, giggling the whole time. There's a smile on her face and a light blush tinges her cheeks. What happened? I've only seen her like this once, when Kim asked her out. I freeze. Oh no. Don't tell me they-

"Kim kissed me!"


When you kiss your soulmate you seal the bond between you. Forever. If Alya loves Kim, then she'll love him forever. And that means that Kim will ab*se her forever. Tears brim in my eyes as I try to hold it in. I look at her warm brown skin, already dotted with bruises. How many more will there be next week? How about next month? Next year? I can't allow that to happen to her, or anyone. I try to lift my lips in an attempt of happiness.

"That's great girl! Well done!" My voice is faker then Chloe's plastic surgery. Tears threaten to spill as I quickly blurt out the need for the restroom. I close the door and let the tears fall, crying for my best friend. I cursed the Gods with all my heart. Alya was strong and hard willed, she wanted to become a journalist for god's sake! What if Kim won't let her do that too? I look at my red string, eyes widening as I realize there's a knot.

This can't be happening.

Then I realize something else.

There are two red strings coming out from my wrist.

My heart skids to a stop. What does this mean? I can't have two soulmates. There's only one person that right for me. My brain runs back to Luka, eternally sighing as I picture his beautiful blue hair and blue eyes. His strong body, his hand as he helped me up...

I completely forget about the green-eyed boy who stopped me from falling in the first place.

My brain fangirls as I realize he's joining my school. My school! Out of all the schools in the world he could have picked but he picked MY SCHOOL! This had to be a sign.

I open the bathroom door, too happy about Luka that I completely forget about Kim and Alya. "Did you even flush?" Alya says. I'm too happy to care.

We spend the night gossiping and talking. Alya squeals when I tell her about Luka.

"Did you check his wrist? Maybe you guys are soulmates!" She squeals.

"No, I didn't. But he and his sister are coming to our school next week, so I'll be able to check then!" I speak. Me and Alya squeal again like a pack of hyenas. She grabs my wrist, gasping when she sees the two strings.

"You got a double cross!" she says, awestruck. "What does that mean?" I'm confused. "It means that you have two soulmates! However only one is you true one. I heard that the other one is your worst enemy. Like, the opposite of your soulmate. They call it your worstmate." I shiver. "These are really rare. You've heard of knots in strings, but this is another one that very few people have. I swear, I've only seen one other before." Alya says.

I suddenly feel queasy. I really hoped that Luka was my soulmate. I couldn't imagine the other person on the other string. My worstmate... I shiver. If Kim was ab*sive, who would my worstmate be? What would he do?

Alya sees my worried expression. "Don't worry girl! I'm sure Luka is your soulmate, and you'll end up together forever!" she says. I nod.

I brush my worries away. It's going to be fine.

One week later

I squirm in my seat. Today was the day. The day Luka finally comes to school! And Juleka too. My heart leaps in excitement as I realize I promised them a tour. It means more time with Luka. My brain calculates the amount of time I get to spend with Luka if I show him the janitor's closet and the toilets. Maybe if I showed him the principal's office then it would add an extra 5 minutes with me being with him. My desperately rack my brain for ways to maximize my time with him. Him...him...him... Everything today was about him. Ms Bustier enters the classroom, two people following behind her. My heart leaps out of my chest, he's here!

"Class, today we have two new students joining us. Please welcome Juleka and Luka Couffaine!" Ms Bustier announces. The whole class claps. Ms Bustier continues. "They will need a person to help them around the-"

"I WILL DO IT!" I scream, a little too loudly. The whole class looks at me, they've never seen me speak three coherent words without stuttering, let alone four words. I shrink down on my desk, blushing hard. Ms Bustier laughs. "Very well then, Marinette you can help them around the school."

I jump up, excited. Alya puts a hand on my arm. "Not yet girl, class has to end first." she whispers. Her eyes light up. "Check at lunch if he's your soulmate!" I crane my neck at to see his hand, frowning when it's concealed in an oversized jumper. My brain starts to daydream again. His sensual lips and muscular handsome...

Alya snaps her fingers. "Wake up, it's 8:00am! You can daydream about him later." I sigh, my eyebrows scrunching up as I attempt to focus.

The bell rings, signalling the start of lunch. I jump up ecstatically, not noticing the loud bang of all my books and pens falling to the ground. Alya shakes her head. "What a way to be unsuspicious." She whispers. I'm too excited to care. I run down the seats towards the siblings, jumping up and down. "Let's go!"

"Here's bathroom cubicle number 4, here's bathroom cubicle number 5, here's bathroom cubicle number 6, here's sink number 1..." I say. My hand brushes against Luka's and it takes everything to not fangirl right then. I've been trying for the past 15 minutes to try and see Luka's wrist, but the oversized jumper prevents it me from seeing it. I fan my face. "It's quite hot in here... Why don't you take off your jacket Luka?" I say, hoping he'll do it. "I don't feel hot, it's probably just you Marinette." he says, rolling his eyes.

I internally scream. Just take off your jacket! I plaster a grin and lead them out into the blazing hot Paris sun, showing them the courtyards. I see a drop of perspiration drip off Luka's neck. My brain wanders off again and I start daydreaming about him. He's so hot...

I watch him wipe away the bead of sweat, and he rolls up his sleeves. My heart pounds in excitement, looking at his wrist...

Where Does the Red String Go? -Miraculous Ladybug AU SoulmatesWhere stories live. Discover now