Chapter 40- At Last

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Any last plot twist guesses?

Marinette's POV

The elevator creaks slightly as I shift my weight to each foot, my heart fluttering in my chest. Gripped in my hand is Adrien's note.

I fight the urge to look at my watch, anxiously awaiting the minutes until the first fireworks light the sky. I look at my watch. 5:12. Three more minutes.

The elevator creeps up the levels slowly, eventually reaching the top. Only the richest could rent out this place, and I knew Adrien would pay no expense for this to be perfect.

Shifting my weight on my other foot, I grip my crutches tighter. One more level to go. The slowly darkening sky illuminates the lights in the Eiffel Tower, shining for this instant.

The doors open, it's jarring noise bringing me back to my senses. He's standing there, his back towards me, his hands on the railing.

"Adrien?" I call out, and his head turns to me. I have to fight to breathe as his mesmerising green eyes bore into mine. Even after all this time, they still make my heart go overdrive.

"I got your note." I say and wave the paper in front of me, his beautiful cursive writing written on the note.

I limp over to him, my clutches clacking on the hard metal floor. He graciously turns to help me, his warm hands wrapping on my waist to steady me. Blush tinges my cheeks as my hands grasp the balcony railing, now side by side.

Adrien checks his watch. "30 more seconds." He says and turns to me. His chiseled face and sharp cheekbones cutting like knives. His thick brows and full mouth. He's the spitting image of Adonis.

"30 more seconds until what?" I ask, suddenly finding myself staring at his lips. "Now." He says and the night sky lights up, firework after firework illuminating the darkness. Bursts after bursts of light, decorating the sky like a wreath. The explosion of light and colour bursts like candy over Paris.

"It's beautiful." I say to Adrien, who I now just realised he's wearing a tuxedo. The suit is paired with an elegant golden wristwatch. You didn't have to be a designer to know that he looked amazing.

"You're beautiful." He says and grasps my hands, his other hand tuck a lock of blue-black hair behind my ear. I wasn't wearing anything as classy as he was. I had only dressed in my usual attire, the attire that I wore before Luka came and dictated me.

"Sorry for the... outfit." I say and look down. I must look so pathetic to him. A scrap of dust next to a diamond. I shift my crutches as the night continues to fill with fireworks.

"I think you look fine." Adrien says and leans down to kiss my knuckles. "Yet you must admit, I do look rather dashing." He says and smiles.

I subconsciously wrap my arms around my body, trying to conceal my bones. Luka's damage had gone further than just his gunshot.

"Hey, hey." Adrien says and gently guides my hands away from my body. "I think you're beautiful Marinette, I mean it." He says and lifts my chin up, forcing me to stare into his alluring eyes.

"You're just saying that to be nice." I say and look away. "I'm not Marinette, why would I lie?" He says and his face comes closer. "I've only ever lied to you once, I promise." I rake my eyes off the floor and stare at him. "You've lied to me once?" I ask.

"Yes, but only once. Never again." Adrien says and brings out his pinky finger. "Promise."

I contemplate his words, still staring into his eyes. He really thought I was beautiful? After all this time?

"You really think that? That I'm beautiful?" I ask him. I stare at his outstretched pinky. "Like I said, I promise." He repeats and motions to his pinky finger.

I allow myself a small smile as I hook my pinky with his, sealing the promise. His hot breath tinges my cheeks, as I blush. I'm aware of how close he is, how his lips are inches from mine.

"I love you Adrien." I blurt out, quickly covering my mouth in embarrassment. I didn't realise I said those words out loud.

Adrien chuckles lightly, taking his hand in mine. His eyes grow serious.

This is it.

"Marinette. I can't live without you." he begins squeezing my hand gently.

"I knew from the moment I met you that you were the person that's right for me. My soulmate. The person that I knew who would understand me more than anyone else. Even if you made mistakes, I knew that you still loved me. Your clumsiness, your stuttering. Everything about you makes me happy. The sparkle in your eyes when you talk about your designs, the tremor in your hands when you're worried about something. You're made for me Marinette, you're part of my soul. The other piece of me." He says. Tears are beginning to leak out from my eyes as I stare at him, unable to speak.

"You make me want to live, the first time since that cold miserable mansion. You make me want to experience life again. You're my purpose Marinette. You're the match of my heart, the person that ignites my flame, my soul. I want us to grow old together, have kids and watch the sunset dive over each horizon. From now on, I can't do anything without you by my side. You're my partner. My companion. My everything. I need you Marinette, and I can't live without you."

He finishes and stares into my eyes. Tears are falling down like a river, but I don't care. "I-I love you Adrien." I say, my voice slightly shaking. "I'll love you forever, and nothing will ever come in our way again."

And he kisses me.

My body bursts with a warm feeling, spreading through my veins like hot, warm syrup. If felt like a burst of heaven, spontaneous and raw. I melt into the kiss, letting myself to be broken apart and reinvented again. His lips move, sending wave after wave of a warm sun inside me.

Pleasure bursts inside me like the fireworks still going, and I feel his hands cup my face as he deepens the kiss.

It's everything I've ever wanted. My soul is finally complete, reformed and fused into his. There's no way of separating us now.

He gently pulls me closer to him, me lying in his arms as we still kiss, our world shattering and reforming again and again. Is this what a soulmate kiss felt like? It was amazing, electrifying and tingling, sending hot streaks of pleasure and light. I don't want it to stop.

But we gently pull away, breathing slightly staring at each other in wonder. We're glowing, shining as luminous as the moon. Glowing with our souls fused, it's so magical that it takes my breath away.

At last.

Our eyes drift to our red string. It's going to be golden, we're finally together. Finally true soulmates, never to be separated ever again. But in my golden haze, I fail to register the colour.

The string is still red.

Where Does the Red String Go? -Miraculous Ladybug AU SoulmatesWhere stories live. Discover now