Chapter 13- New Student

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Marinette's POV

"I'm going on vacation to New York." is the first words Luka says to me. I had skipped school the day before to recover from the cold I had attained from being out for so long. I refused to tell my parents the truth, instead saying that the reason why I came home so late was because I passed out from the cold, and Adrien found me instead. I refused to blame it on Luka, he was just drunk, and drunk people do bad things. It wasn't his fault.

No, "I'm sorry." or even a "That was a hell of a night." Just a notice that he was leaving me. To go to New York. To visit his ex-girlfriend.

Yes, I had pieced it together. The place that he had thrown me into had many clues. After reading his unfinished letters on a desk, I realized that he also had two soulmates, like me. Which one was his worstmate? Me, or Zoe? It was probably me after all, all I had done was whimper in pain and cause him trouble with my outfits.

"How long?" I ask. I couldn't bear the thought of him leaving me. "About a week," he says. "We leave tonight." My heart clenches. Hopefully, he'll be back sooner than I expected.

When the day ends I try to hug Luka in farewell but he pushes me away. I look at his gorgeous lips and wonder when they will meet mine. The true bonding of a soulmate. That moment was a prominent figure in my daydreams.

I watched Luka's figure walk away, sad when he didn't wave to me goodbye. Oh well, I'm more needy than others. That must be it.

My heart quickens anxiously at the darkening sky, and I run quickly back home. I couldn't stand to be out in the darkness anymore, it reminded me too much of last night, and the other one seven years before. I hastily shut the bakery door and calmed my heart. I couldn't stop replaying that feeling of tightness that had overcome me. I shudder, but not from the cold. I slide down, my finger trembling as I shut my eyes, praying it will stop.

Think of something else Marinette, think of something happy.

Surprisingly, the image of Adrien pops up. I transfix on his warm smile and green eyes. His troubles with his father and the kindness that radiates from him. He saved me. He saved me from the choking emptiness. I didn't know how he found me but I was forever thankful for it.

My heart rate slows down, I lay my head on the door of the bakery. It was going to be okay.

"Good morning students!" Ms Bustier's cheerful voice rings out. "Today we have an unexpected new student." My head perks up. Who was it? This was uncalled for.

My head looks sadly at the empty seat next to me. Alya hadn't come to school since Nino's death. Kim refused to give me any updates, saying she was a traitorous person to mourn for another boy. Maybe I could make friends with the new student!

"You may know him from ads, as he's a model. But please treat him like any other student here!" Ms Bustier says as the new student walks in.

It's Adrien.

I remember his warm hands as he embraced me. His gentle voice as he reassured me all was okay. How was he here? I thought his father would never let him outside the house.

"Adrien, there's a spare seat next to Marinette." He's walking towards me! He's going to sit next to me! His eyes bore into mine, green-like meadows. "Hey," he says.

"H-How? I thought your father didn't let you go out?" I say. He chuckles and looks down. "Let's just say... a deal's a deal."

"Thank you for saving me. I mean it. You saved my life." I say. I didn't know what would happen if he didn't come for me.

He shrugs it away. "It's ok. Anyone would do what I did."

I shake my head. "Anyone could do what you did, but they didn't. YOU saved my life and I'm forever thankful for it."

He smiles.

When the bell rings I collect my food and move to the bathroom. I'm not allowed to eat lunch with other people unless Luka gives me permission to. Since he wasn't here, I decided to eat lunch alone. However, I'm stopped by Adrien. "Can I eat lunch with you?" he asks. "I don't know really know how to... make friends." he looks down sadly.

I look forlornly at the bathroom. "I'm really not allowed to eat with people Adrien," I say. He looks up, confused. "What do you mean?" he says.

"My boyfriend, Luka, says I'm not allowed to eat with anyone unless he gives me permission to." Adrien looks at me in shock, anger briefly showing on his features. He looks around, lowering his voice. "Is he the person who...locked you up?" He asks. I nod.

His eyes widen. "You need to report him to the police, Marinette! That's illegal." I shrug. "It was an accident. He was drunk, I'm sure he didn't mean it." Adrien looks at me incredilously. But understanding dawns on his features. "Is he your soulmate?" he asks. When I answer yes, he nods, seeming like it was the answer to something.

"Well... he isn't here, plus no one deserves to sit alone at lunch. Please?" he says. I contemplate his words. It wouldn't do any harm to sit with him for the week, right? After all, he was a new student and he needed someone to help him settle. Luka would understand. I hope.

"Fine." I say. "But only for the week, because he's coming back from his vacation next Monday." Adrien ecstatically nods as I show him around the school. For the first time since I became Luka's boyfriend, I was contented.

My knot slowly unravelled.

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