Chapter 17- Puck the Fairy

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Marinette's POV

"How does Puck's character influence Midsummer Night's Dream and in turn, influence English Literature?" Adrien reads out again. It was the last question of the assignment. The Sunday afternoon breeze wafts through my open window. Adrien had to leave for his modeling shoot at 4 pm in an hour. Luka was returning to school on Tuesday, so this was the only chance I and Adrien had of completing the assignment.

"How much does this count for our grade?" I ask worriedly. "Nearly 80%. My dad will kill me if I fail school the first time I've gone to one." Adrien replies, running his hands through his hair.

"It's ok! We just need to think deeper about the question. If Puck didn't exist, what would happen to the plot?" I ask. "Well, he's a mischievous character. He plays pranks and annoys Oberon." Adrien says.

"And... how does that influence the play?" he asks. "We're back to square one," I say, slumping on my chair. I bury my head in my hands. How were we going to complete the assignment before Luka came back?

I feel Adrien's hands on my shoulders. "You'll figure it out. You're smart, brave, courageous, and kind and you inspire people every day." He says to me with such admiration that I blush.

We've had these small intimate moments all week. Whenever I was stressed or overwhelmed (which happened a lot) he would hold my shoulders and say encouraging words until I'd feel better. Whenever that happened...well, I couldn't help but stare into his beautiful green eyes and wish that he could be mine. I hadn't thought about Luka all week.

There were moments when we fell silent and the space between us would grow increasingly heated. In those moments, I closed my eyes and waited for him to lean in. But whenever he mom would come up. Or Nathalie. Or I would knock something over and the noise would jolt us back into our senses.

This happened so many times that I was tempted to just grab his face and smash my lips to his so the pain of anticipation would finally be over. But to do that, I would have to grow my confidence. And my confidence was practically non-existent at the moment.

Adrien sighs and looks at his watch. "Gorilla's going to be any moment. I'm sorry Marinette. Maybe we can try to work together quickly on Monday to hand it in?" he says. I nod sadly.

He stands up and packs his things. I always dreaded his absence. He was like the sun and whenever I was near him I felt...less lonely. Less stressed. Like the dark clouds of my life were lifted away and I was happy. This week was the best week of my life. I didn't want to return to Luka's cold, dark realm. I wanted to stay in Adrien's embrace and enjoy the sun as it filtered through his leaves.

"There's still a minute until you have to go..." I say, trailing off. Adrien smiles and comes closer to me. "I don't want to go either," he says. His arms unexpectedly wrap around me as he pulls me in for a hug. I allow myself to close my eyes and relish his scent of citrus springtime.

My heart flutters lightly like butterfly wings. "I-I...don't want to go back to Luka," I whisper. I shocked myself with the answer. Did I really not want to go back to him?

I could have sworn the corners of Adrien's mouth lifted slightly. "Your knot's unraveling." is all he says before he leaves.

What did that mean?

My eyes threatened to close as my head throbs painfully. It was 11 pm, and there was still no answer for the last question of the assignment. What. Was. The. Answer. My eyes drift to my phone. Maybe I could ask for help from my classmates?

23 phone calls later I still had no answer. No one in my class was doing Puck. They were doing plays like Romeo and Juliet but when they did do Midsummer Night's Dream they did characters such as Oberon and Lysander. How was I going to get this done on time?

With a heavy sigh, I closed the folder that contained our essay and shut my eyes. Maybe if I wished hard enough then the question would get answered itself...and maybe a little fairy like Puck would grant my wish....

My head lowers as my breaths become deeper and heavier. "" I yawn. Soon I was fast asleep.

Needless to say, the problem wasn't gone the next day.

I had woken up late and was scrambling to find the essay, which I was sure I placed on my desk before I fell asleep. "I can't find it Adrien!" I say as I frantically search my desk. "Where was the last time you saw it?" Adrien says through the phone. He was already in his car.

"I don't know! I swear it was just here- I found it!" I triumphantly pull out the essay. "Alright Marinette, get ready! Did you manage to finish the question?" Adrien says. "N-N-No, sorry," I say. "Where are my shoes?" I mutter through a piece of toasted bread in my mouth. There they are. I grab them and burst through the bakery, waving goodbye to my parents as I dash to the school.

"I'm here at the school! See you soon!" I say. "Wait! Marinette, I think Luk-" Adrien's voice cuts off as I hang up on the call. I burst through the doors of the classroom, nearly a second before Ms Bustier.

I trudge up to my desk and give Adrien the essay. "I couldn't answer the question, Adrien," I say as I sit down. Adrien looks behind me, frantic. "What-" I start to say, but before I can finish a voice interrupts me.

"Hi, Marinette."

My blood freezes instantly, fear jumping in my heart. No, no, not that voice. Please, why was he here?! How was he back so soon? My head slowly turns around, my heart hammering in my chest.

Standing there, wearing a venomous smile, is Luka.

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