Chapter 24- Falling Again

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Marinette's POV

For the first time in my life, I woke up before the alarm.

I rub the sleep from my eyes and look at the time. I had nearly an hour before school started. Walking down my trapdoor, I hear the shouts of my parents. They're having another argument again.

"Why didn't you cancel the reservation!"

"How was I supposed to know?"

"You should have known my mood!"

"And you shouldn't have assumed that the world revolves around you!"

I wince as I hear the telltale slap from my mother. They too, did not find their true soulmates. I decide to go back in my room and change. Putting on my headphones, I dress in a long sweater and hood. Then I remember Luka can't dictate my outfit anymore. Allowing myself a smile, I dress in my favourite sweater and jacket and grab my purse. Opening it, I find earrings.

They're a dark red colour, with a circular shape. I hadn't worn earrings in years, but since today was going to be exhausting, I put them on. For some luck.

I go down the stairs for breakfast, and thankfully my parents have stopped fighting, though the tension in the room is painfully elevated. I quickly eat my cereal, glancing down. Grabbing my bag I close the bakery door and leave, crossing the road to my school.

I'm fifteen minutes early, and Adrien unfortunately had an unexpected modelling call so he couldn't come to school today. My eyes scan the entrance of the school, searching for the blue-haired boy. I find him.

He's watching a group of people talk. There's a man behind him, which assume is his probation officer. Clenching my fists and taking a deep breath, I walk up to him.

"Hi Luka." I say. I'm surprised I didn't stutter. Luka takes his gaze off the group and focuses on me. "Hi Marinette." He says back to me. He turns away and continues looking at the group.

For a moment I'm left standing there. Then it's like someone switched on a light and Luka is alive again. He gives me a smile, his demeanour suddenly changing. "How are you? Are your injuries fully healed yet?" Luka says warmly, his eyes full of concern. I take a step back, he's acting like he wasn't the one that hurt me.

"I was discharged from the hospital weeks ago, and my arm is healed thank you." I say a bit coldly. Luka's eyebrows furrow in concern. "That's great to hear Marinette. I hope you have a great day." Luka says and slightly bows.

"I also love your earrings." He says behind me, his probation officer following him. I'm left there confused. He liked my earrings? Since when did he like my earrings? I shake my head, he attacked you with a knife for gods sake! He's dangerous. I turn on my heel and leave, shaking my head to clear my thoughts of him.

The words on the page blur together. I can't understand a word on this textbook. I look sadly at the empty desk next to me, missing Adrien. Alya wasn't returning to school for the rest of the year. I heard from Kim that she's going on a vacation. I hoped she was okay.

I look anxiously around the classroom, everyone seems to be understanding the text. My head spins in panic.

"I can help you if you'd like."

My head whips around and Luka's standing there, wearing a gentle smile. "What?" I say bluntly. Why did he want to help me? He never even acknowledge my existence when we were dating.

"I said I can help you if you'd like." Luka repeats the question, still smiling.

"Ok...sure?" I reply. I'm still confused at this sudden change of personality. Luka sits down with me and explains the text.

"Basically the text is explaining how Romeo and Juliet impacted English Literature. It's because of its affirmation of love over hate, which was a new idea at that time. It was the inspiration of many romance novels later on." Luka finishes and smiles again.

"I hope you get it." Luka says. Suddenly I find myself mesmerised by his words. His voice was like a sweet melody. I mentally shake my head, he's dangerous!

"Thank you." I say to Luka, still cold. He bows again. "Happy to help Marinette." I watch him take back his seat. Since when did he become such a gentlemen?

I look at the text, this might help me and Adrien answer the last question of the assignment! We got a two week extension due to my hospitalisation and the trial.

My head begins to drift off as I look past the window outside. I really didn't want to study right now. My eyes wander to Luka, and I find myself noticing how long his hair had grown since I first met him. To be honest... he looks more hot this way.

No! Stop thinking about Luka! I replay Adrien's words. He's dangerous. He's dangerous. Come on Marinette, maybe if you repeat those words long enough you'll actually believe them. He's dangerous, he's dangerous.

I raise my hand up to go to the toilet just as Luka does too. Ms Bustier allows us to both go, and just as I get up, my foot trips over my bag and I fall on the classroom floor. I groan, about to get up myself when I hear Luka.

"Are you okay Marinette?" He says, giving me his hand. I look at his face, blushing, as I grab his hand. "T-Thank you." I say. Why was I stuttering?! I walk to the bathroom and shut myself up in the cubicle, trying to work out my feelings.

He's dangerous, he's dangerous. Come on Marinette believe it! He's dangerous. Don't go near him. I replay Adrien's words. Please Marinette, he hurt you! You hate him! But even as I say these words I still smile.

Deep down, I knew I was falling for him again.

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