Chapter 29- Manipulative Calculator

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Marinette's POV

Luka smiles.

"Would you like to go now Marionette?" he says, still smiling.

"Y-Yes." I mutter. He escorts me out of the door and waved goodbye. It's nearly nighttime and the cold breeze stings my cheek. What did he call me? Marionette.

Roses are red,
A song like a clarinet
Here lies, the body of a Marionette.

It had to be a coincidence. I must have heard him wrong. My name is too close to Marionette so that's why. I must be hallucinating. But why did he spell 'marionette' with a capital letter? Like it was a name.

Like it was me.

I shake my head. It's too late for this. Luka probably wrote it when he was feeling sad. His dad did used to sing it to him after all, so probably had some pent up feelings. About the marionette...I still can't shake the feeling away.

Arriving at the bakery, my parents are waving goodbye to last few customers. My phone lights up with a message:

Adrien: Hi Marionette! Still on for Saturday?

My heart stops at my name. No, no. What was happening?

My fingers can't stop shaking as I type out my reply.

Marinette: What did you just call me?

Adrien: Oh! I'm sorry, that was a typo. Still on for Saturday?

I was definitely hallucinating. No one wanted me dead. I am not a marionette. Chill. I take a deep breath and focus on the matter at hand: I was going to be busy on Saturday.

Marinette: Sorry Adrien, I have something on Saturday

Adrien: Oh. What do you have on?

It's the question I've been dreading. Do I lie? Tell the truth? What was his reaction? Was he going to be mad? Would we fight again? I decide to tell the truth. I couldn't lie to someone who means so much to me.

Marinette: Sorry Adrien, but I have to go with Luka that day

Vague and simple. I didn't mention anything about a date. Breathing a sigh of relief I press send.

It takes a minute until Adrien replies back, the bubbles next to his name loading.

Adrien: What are you two doing?

No! He's too smart. Vague and simple. How am I supposed to do that? I type out a reply.

Marinette: We're hanging out together.

Was that vague enough? Hanging out together doesn't mean it's a date right? I send the text.

Adrien: Doing what?

Pastries! What was I going to say now? Honestly, I really didn't know. Luka just said to sit and watch the planes. I realise now that his words were also vague too. Tell the truth. I reply.

Marinette: To be honest, I don't know.

Adrien: What do you mean? He could be literally out to kill you and you don't know?!

Marinette: Seriously? After everything? You still don't trust me that I can handle myself?

Adrien: I'm saying that Luka already has a criminal record from hurting you for goodness sake! How can you handle yourself when Luka is pointing a knife at you?

Marinette: Because he won't! I trust him Adrien!

Adrien: You're just going to rely on trust? That's it? Come on Marinette, be smarter than this!

Marinette: I am smart! And what's wrong with trusting someone? I believe he's a better person!

But I think about his poem that he wrote. He mentioned something about a person he wanted to get back. Then about a body.

But that was before he changed his ways, right? I'm sure it was.

Adrien: And what if he's not? What if the moment his probation is over he pulls you and shoots you with a gun huh? (Foreshadowing anyone?)

Marinette: Well, his probation isn't over yet! I'll deal with the problem when it is.

Adrien: His probation ends in twenty-two days. That isn't a lot of time Marinette. I don't think you should trust him

Rage fills my chest. Who was he to tell me what to do? We've had this argument over and over, each time he told me he would accept Luka but it never happened.

Marinette: You keep saying that! I've told you multiple times to stop and accept him but you won't listen! You never listen!

Adrien: Marinette-

But I've already stopped listening to him. I leave our chat and turn off my phone, furious. I was sick of him trying to dictate my life. I scroll through my contacts, wishing Alya was here so I could rant to her about my problems. Then I remember Nino was the one I always consulted when I had soulmate problems.

Oh Nino, how we missed you. He and Adrien would have been best friends if he had came one week earlier.

Scrolling furiously, I find that no one in my contacts are suitable for my situation. Except Luka.

I press on his name and send him a text message. Remember Marinette, act cool.

Marinette: Hi Luka!

He replies back so fast it's nearly creepy.

Luka: Hi Mari! Still on for Saturday?

Marinette: Yep! Still on. I actually want to talk to you about my problems, is that okay?

Luka: Sure Mari, are you okay?

I smile at his instant concern. I type my next reply, my heart fluttering.

Marinette: Adrien doesn't trust me that I trust you. We just had another fight and I'm so tired. I care for him and all but it's tiring always fighting. Why can't he trust me?

Luka: Some people just aren't able to trust others. They only think about themselves and use people for their own use Mari. Adrien is just one of those people.

Adrien never struck me as selfish. He said he only wanted to protect me. He wasn't that bad, right?

Marinette: He says he only wants to protect me. He's doing it for my own good, right?

Luka: No he isn't. He's lying Mari, he's just manipulating you to make you like him, and then use you for his own purposes.

Did Adrien really just want to use me for his own good? His problems with his father, his mother's death. Was that all a ploy to make me care for him?

Marinette: But what would he use me for?

Luka: He's a famous model right? He could steal your designs and bring them to his father. Then they would both be rich and he would gain popularity.

I did catch him looking at my designs one or two times. He must have been stealing them. He probably made up his father's issues so I would fall for him! Anger courses through me for the second time.

My problems all stemmed from him! The gut feeling I had whenever Luka was around, that was Adrien preventing me from trusting him. And to think, we had those moments when our lips nearly touched. That was probably all part of his game!

Marinette: You're right Luka, I never realised how manipulating he was. Thank you.

Luka: No worries, I'm happy you realised his true character. He's a manipulative calculator Marionette.

I thank him, rage still possessing me. How dare he manipulate me to such extent? The anger in me clouds my senses. I open me and Adrien's chat and type a text.

It's over.

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