Chapter 2- A Beautiful Prison

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Adrien's POV

I wake up at exactly 7:00am and get dressed. When I'm done its 7:05 and I go down for breakfast. I have the usual dried pancakes that my dad attempts to make and when I'm done it's 7:15. At 7:20 I attempt to not vomit from the dry pancakes that my dad makes. At 7:30 I finish brushing my teeth and head down to the dining room for my first homeschooled lesson with Nathalie.

It's a prison. A beautiful one for sure, with ornate staircases and sleek black and white marble but a prison all the same. Everyday I'm designated to wake up at the same time, do Chinese and fencing at the same time and live the same life over and over again. I have no friends, no father figure and definitely no happiness.

My only friend is imaginary, a black sock with green button eyes that I call Plagg. It's the only way I can pass time in this miserable, beautiful prison.

"Adrien, you have a modelling shoot at 9:00am. Please wear the designated clothes that your father has designed." Nathalie says, reading out my schedule on her white iPad.

"Yes Nathalie." I mumble as I trudge back into my room. I put on the clothes, a grey-brown tuxedo accompanied with a hat and a pigeon feather on top. I immediately start to sneeze. Looks like my father forgot about my allergy. Again.

I walk out my spacious room, push open the brown double doors and walk into the car. My chauffer and bodyguard, Gorilla, begins to drive me to my modelling shoot. His name isn't really Gorilla, yet I have no other way to describe him. Big, broad shoulders and arms the size of trucks. He does look like one. I wipe away my watery eyes and hold my nose to stop sneezing. This was going to be a long day.

When I arrive at my modelling shoot, two girls are already there. They make puppy eyes at me as an attempt to woo me. I sigh again, I got those kinds of girls. There are two types of girls that I normally encounter when I'm at a photoshoot. The girls that don't care about me and are on their phone constantly. And the girls that attempt to catch my attention by pursing their lips, swaying their overly big hips and making obnoxious remarks such as "Look! my red string is pointing towards you Adrikitty!". Of course, their string is nowhere near mine. My red string is pointing in the direction of a school, French Dupon High School to be exact. (Again, sorry for the spelling)

The photographer looks at me and waves one the girls over. He speaks in a heavy Italian accent. "Right, I need Mademoiselle to stand near Monsieur with her arm draped over his shoulder." One of the girls sashays over to me, her fake plastic boobs bouncing unflatteringly. Her heavy perfume snakes up my nose and I have to stop breathing in order not to sneeze again.

The next few hours are filled with the constant clicking of cameras and my measly attempts to stop sneezing. When will my dad realize that I'm allergic to pigeons? After my 16th attempt to stop my sneezes, the photographer sighs and waves me away. "I can't make this picture look pretty if Monsieur keeps looking a bell pepper!" he says. I walk back to the car, the two girls following me and calling out in an annoyingly high voice "See you again Adrimine!" and "Goodbye Adrikins!" Those stupid nicknames.

My bodyguard closes the car door and drives my back to my lonely mansion. When I step out, Nathalie immediately informs me that my father would like to see me. As much as I try not to, I still perk up when I get to see him. Even when all he does is reprimand me for something I did wrong.

I walk up the long staircase up to my father's study. I knock once.

"Come in Adrien."

I push open the heavy black door to see my father on his screen, dresses and suits reflecting in his glasses.

"I heard that the photographer had to send you away. Why was that?"

My shoulders slump. Of course. Why else would he want to talk to me? I sigh, ready to tell him for the thousandth time that I'm allergic pigeons. "Father, the reason why the photographer had to send me away was because I kept sneezing. The hat that you instructed me to wear had a pigeon feather, and I'm allergic to them."

My father makes no actions to show that he cares. Not even looking at me, he says "You're an Agreste Adrien, Agreste's don't have allergies, injuries or illnesses. I expect you to perform better next time."

I slump, deeper than before. It's like every word that my father says hurts more than any other wound would. I quietly sigh, saying the words that I've spoken all my life.

"Yes father."

I quietly close the door to my father's study and trudge out down the staircase to my room. Nathalie accompanies me. "Nathalie, can I please have some of the pastries from Tom and Sabine's Boulangerie Patisserie?" I ask. The couple that owned the shop made the best pastries in Paris. Nathalie nods. "That will be arranged."

Nodding thanks, I enter my room. Grabbing the now worn sock puppet I speak to Plagg. "Why is my life like this Plagg?" Of course, Plagg doesn't give any indication that he heard me. I wish there was someone out there I could be with. Someone that doesn't have button eyes and a fabric body. I wanted a friend.

Walking out of my room, I make my way down the stairs. I needed some fresh air. My steps echo across the marble of the mansion. It's so quiet. So empty and devoid of life. I longed to see the sun and feel it on my face. The grand double doors are slightly ajar, and I see a girl my age (by the way, they're 16) unpacking the pastries that I had requested behind them. She finishes unpacking and ties the pastries with a red string, her black hair seeming to be blue in the warm afternoon sun. She makes to walk back down the stairs but her foot slides and she's about to fall. Her hands shoot out and she leans back. Instinctively I reach out to grab her wrist and stop her. Her head whips back, and I see her blue eyes. They were beautiful, deep blue like the ocean I once saw before my mother died.

Before I can say anything, someone grabs me from behind and I tumble back into the cold mansion. It's Nathalie. "You're not supposed to interact with strangers." she scolds. She orders me back into my room as she instructs Gorilla to unload the pastries.

Back at my room, I look at the big glass windows to see the girl walking back to her motorcycle. She doesn't see where she is going and smashes against a boy with blue hair. She blushes and stutters as he helps her up. Is he, her soulmate? Her blush continues to rise as she fans her cheeks. She waves goodbye to the boy.

A feeling arises within me. I felt...angry at the boy. Why? I didn't even know him, or the girl. They're soulmates, I'm not supposed to bother with them. But something catches my eye at the girl's red string.

There's a knot.

Where Does the Red String Go? -Miraculous Ladybug AU SoulmatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora