Chapter 21- The Trial

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Adrien's POV

The hospital is quiet except for the slow dripping of the IV.

The space is sparse and empty, there's no one here except for the overnight patients. I'm here after closing hours, nearly all the visitors have gone home. Marinette's parents left hours ago.

She's right in front of me, but she's a million miles away, her mind stuck in some trance.

The doctors say she's in a coma. The pain medication she was administered amplified her emotions, causing her brain to shut down. They don't know when she'll wake up.

It's been a week since Luka's attack. His trial is in three days. He's being charged for ab*se and attempted m*rder. But the charges may be lowered since he's underaged.

I watch Marinette's labored breathing, her small chest rising up and down. She's deathly still and if not for the heart monitor I'd think she was dead. She occasionally twitches her fingers, which the doctors say is a good sign.

I haven't showered in four days. I'm practically living at the hospital at this point. Some nights the hospital staff let me borrow a mattress and I lay curled up next to Marinette, holding her limp hand and praying she would wake up.

My head begins to dip as my eyes close. What time was it? I stifle a yawn as I sink into the waiting chair. I was going to have an aching back tomorrow but I wasn't going to leave her for the world. Just as I'm about to sleep, I hear words.

"No...the cat...Adri-...snake...poison...NO! PLEASE!"

It's coming from Marinette. Jumping out of the chair I rush towards her, pressing my ear towards her lips.

"The snake and the mouse...the cat with green...eyes...fight..." the words continue, and Marinette begins to twitch. Her mouth opens as she speaks louder.

"No! Go away! the ending...STOP!" her last words are almost a shout. I jumped on her body, desperately trying to stop her rapid movements before they got worse. She moves under me.

"PLEASE! NO! DON'T LET HIM DIE! PLEAS-" Her voice cuts off as she begins to choke on her saliva.

Running out of the room, I press the emergency button and anxiously wait for the doctors to arrive. Marinette is still choking, the skin on her face slowly turning purple. "Marinette!" I shout and grab her shoulders. Why does this keep happening? If Marinette doesn't die from her injuries I'm going to die from a heart attack.

The doctors arrive and begin to perform a respiratory exercise. I watch her convulse as their hands press against her heart. I can't lose her again.

Why am I always on the verge of losing her? It was like the universe was trying everything to make us never work. I watch as her face begins to turn a dark shade of blue. I hear the doctors curse under their breath as they begin CPR. She's going to die. I'm about to lose her.

She takes a breath and gasps. I breathe a sigh of relief. She was going to be okay. The doctors had just managed to revive her.

A nurse walks up to me and tells me what caused it. They reckon her brain was reliving her trauma and the pain medicine made it worse. She says that Marinette will wake up soon.

Nathalie persuaded me to go home and shower. I only agreed because the dirt clinging onto my skin could be a risk to Marinette. I wash the dirt and sweat from my body and change, stepping out into my room. Nathalie is waiting for me.

"Luka's trial is tomorrow. You're required to give a testament." (I don't know anything about law so I'm sorry if the information is wrong) Anger courses through me. I don't want to attend the trial and see Luka, standing there with an innocent smile. Acting like he didn't hurt a teenage girl in the worst ways possible.

But I have to go. Me being there might be the only chance he has of being rightfully punished for his crimes.

The next day

It's my turn to speak.

The trial had started an hour ago, and I watched as various people involved stepped up to give their statements. Marinette was still in a coma so they would ask her version of the statements later.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and step up on the podium. I look down at my piece of paper to speak.

"Luka has put Marinette in two dangerous situations. The first one happened when Marinette was out on a walk. Marinette told me that Luka knocked her out and locked her in his apartment. I only managed to find her using my red string. I found her in distress and having a strong reaction to the enclosed space in the house." I finish my first recount and begin my second, telling everyone in court about the horrible events from last week.

There's silence when I finish. I look towards the judge a man with greying hair. The man asks me a question.

"Why didn't you report the first incident to the police?" he says.

"I tried to persuade Marinette to report the incident but she refused, saying that Luka was innocent. I didn't want to go against her wishes and lose her trust." I say, hoping my words were enough.

The judge nods and scribbles something on a piece of paper. The judge asks Luka if he pledges guilty or not guilty. Luka smiles.

"Not guilty."

The judge nods and asks Luka for a recount of his statements. With a bright smile, Luka begins.

"It wasn't my intention to hurt Marinette. In the first situation, Marinette was lost in the streets when she encountered me and I helped her. I had to drag her because she was scared and thought I was an attacker. To help her calm down and not hurt herself, I locked her in my apartment and tried to find help. When I came back, she was gone. I didn't realize she would have such a strong reaction to being trapped."

My hands clench. The words sound like Luka was merely helping Marinette, not locking her up and leaving her there to rot. I prayed that my words were enough to convince the judge.

"I will not deny that I had a knife in the second situation. But I was carrying it because I had promised my mother that I would pick some of her favorite flowers and plants. But the plants have thick roots so that's why I needed a knife. My mother has supported this statement." Luka's mother nods and Luka continues.

"But again, Marinette was stuck at night because her motorcycle had run out of gas. By a coincidence, I encountered her. I did not purposely track her down. But when I saw her, I was overcome with rage. She was cheating on me while I was in New York with Adrien. Without thinking, I raised the knife. I wanted her to feel my pain. I loved her very much and she did not return my affection. My actions are unforgivable and I'm sorry. I will learn to control my anger next time and not act out of emotion." Luka finishes with a sad face.

That wasn't how it happened! Marinette wasn't cheating on him, she only talked to me! Luka was the one who cheated on her. And what was the pathetic excuse of going out at night with a knife? That was bullshit!

What did he mean by he loved her? He ab*sed her every second hour! My heart fills with rage. How dare he?! I long to speak out, to defend Marinette, but my allotted time has run out. I hear the judge make his final decision.

"I hereby announce that Luka Coiffaine has been sentenced to fifty days of probation. If he keeps a clean record, then he will be sent free without charges."

The room is dead silent. I look at Luka and he's the perfect picture of guilt. His hands are clasped and he's looking down sadly.

But when I look into his eyes I see his true self. He's cunning, I'll give him that. Cunning like a snake. And he's used his poison to get away once again. I see the small smile on his lips. Then I realize. He's not sorry because of his actions. He's sorry because he was caught.

And that means he would do it all again if he could.

Where Does the Red String Go? -Miraculous Ladybug AU SoulmatesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt